Congratulations to Richard Faulds - 2012 English Open Skeet

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2012
Congratulations to forum member Richard who adds yet another title to an already long list!

Richard and 3 other shooters managed to hit the "ton" forcing a 4 way shootoff for High Gun and Champion.

The shoot off began with all 4 shooting another round of 25, at the end of that round all were tied on 100+25 so it went to a sudden death shootoff on station 4, after several pairs and a few misses by the others Richard was declared High Gun and 2012 English Open Skeet Champion :)

What's even more impressive is that he shot it with Full\Full chokes!! A pleasure to watch and 125 balls of soot ;)



Top shooting Richard :D wonder what the bookies would have given for E/O Skeet champ and a DT olympic gold in the same year..........

Fantastic shooting Richard well shot ,skeet shooting with full/full !!

Fantastic shooting Richard well shot ,skeet shooting with full/full !!
Just goes to show, if you can shoot dont matter what chokes are in there :D us mere mortals on the other hand..................

Only booked on for it late last night on a cancellation :.:

Well you have to shoot something when there is no DTR on. Does not matter what chokes or cartridges ............. If you are on it you are on it..........Laugh ......Out.......Loud.

What's next Rich (wink)?

Shame you are a Hants shooter Fauldsy or i'd have been trying to sign you up for the Berks team ;) Bloody well shot!


Richard appears to have only one other registered score for ESK: 100/100 in 2004. He must have been practicing at home.

Amazing stuff, I take my hat off to the other three too, Skeet is a hard game to win at.

Whilst I also offer my congratulations to Richard I do think this raises a questions about the participation of professional shooters in what are essentially amateur events. Professional competitors clearly have the time and resources to devote to their activities that amateurs do not. Does this allow a level playing field as far as the compeition is concerned?

Obviously, as a CPSA member, Richard (or anyone else) can shoot their events and claim any prizes he wins. The presence of a professional sportsman or women with all the advantages they enjoy at an event such as this just sits a little uncomfortably with me.

I'd be interested to know what others think?

Since the event was skeet and there are obviously quite a number of skeet specialists who shoot nothing but skeet all up for this title, one could just as easily claim that they were professional skeet shooters. It is not an issue of professionalism but rather more distinct skill sets, the vast majority of those who entered apart from Richard Faulds were probably dedicated skeet shooters.

Given that Richard Faulds does not to my knowledge shoot skeet regularly and the majority of the entrants do, with a significant elite who usually win most competitons it seems to me that the playing field was equal. The competitiors fighting it out in the final were skeet specialists ( professionals ) and an all round multi talented shooter Richards Faulds (professional) I dont see the issue

Firstly Congratulations to Fauldsy and indeed all the various category winners.

Richard’s participation in this event will be good for Skeet shooting, many of those professional Skeet shooters and even right down to grass roots shooters will think about what happened and quickly learn from what they saw.

Luv the full and full bit! Perhaps RF was getting better information about where his pattern was than the other competitors? Kept him sharp?


Crickey............Lordy lordy.......... shocked and gobsmacked!!

This was the English Open for goodness sake not a numptie backyard ping around.

The winner is the best on the day.

Also there is no money to be made in shooting so I am not sure what point is being made here.

Do people out there think that this is like golf?

I wish!! (Laughs out loud at some of the ideas that people have as to the reality of earning from shooting these days).

Well done Richard, you shot the best and won it fair and square..............just think what you would be like if you took some time out to practice before a skeet competition!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :cool:
