Big Teal

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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:fie:  Ian, I know that you originated from Yorkshire lad but! I told bloody Pietre and his collegues years ago that they got it wrong but they still persist! Learn from your Peers and elders! I may be a country boy but I am not a cabbage? :fie:   :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:

So come on then smart-arse who only shoots 40 metre plus birds. Bring your 34ins barrels and see if you can hit it.
If you sent it horizontal out of a bunker....I would (you muppet). :) Have you not heard of my ledgendary 2nd barrel.

Siiiiyreeeeeeel ..pass me another of those tiddlers please matey.......i just had a fat one that broke the line.....

:fie:  Ian, I know that you originated from Yorkshire lad but! I told bloody Pietre and his collegues years ago that they got it wrong but they still persist! Learn from your Peers and elders! I may be a country boy but I am not a cabbage? :fie:   :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:

But in this case Siiiirrreeeeyyyll is right.

I am with Siiiireeeeeyl on this.......'You' ARE wrong........but as you are a have other difficulties so i will not press the point.

Siiiilllllrrrrrreeeeeyyyl and i remember it being invented....which was long before you even started to shoot FITASC.....just saying...!

P.s. Have you found a new ground yet......

Maybe put your efforts into that rather than blogging :laugh:

Or is this going to be your new trade.

Siiiirrrrreeeeeeeyyyyyyyllllllll.............have you got anymore grounds that you can sell the Viscount...?

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More than happy to run this challenge at OLSS next summer on a nice day.

We tried on several occasions last summer (with lots of hot still days)

130 yards 118.87 meters is from the bottom of our far right hand bund on the compact, all the way past the trap range to level with the low skeet house, measured on level ground with a wheel.

The target looks TINY from that distance...

Another factor which nobody has mentioned is how much the shot drops at this distance...

Answers on a post card please as we have done it!

Psssssst I am now in ninja mode.....message to all other ninjas.....

Ignore some of the sillier stuff talked on this thread.....100 yds can be done....a Rafale and Chandelle do exist....and are now spelt correctly :wink:

(Some people on here do not shoot game or vermin over 40 yds.....and some of us don't even consider it a good bird until it is over 40 meters.....just saying..!)

Just because someone has only seen people fail....or has head in ballistic books and not actually tried it...........does not mean that it has not happened......true story..!

Psssssssst Ssssss Don't forget to reply in ninja mode or there may be lots of crying and wailing....and it will be like bloody Jerusalem...!!
Nicola.  After the last few replies, just a warning.     * I really think they can all see you now!*

And I thought I had special powers!  :sarcastic:

Perhaps it's me they don't see!

Am I getting paranoid????  :biggrin:

I and many others witnessed GD shoot a measured and totally upright teal out way beyond 100 meters/yards in South Africa. He shot it gun downout to 60 yrds! Couldn't believe it mysaelf and can't undertand the ballisitics?

I and many others witnessed GD shoot a measured and totally upright teal out way beyond 100 meters/yards in South Africa. He shot it gun downout to 60 yrds! Couldn't believe it mysaelf and can't undertand the ballisitics?
And Kate told me that he wanted to shoot even further back from the steps of the club...

There is no stopping those who have the will to try ...and shoot with the force.....

(George, Pete and Richard are ninjas too..........just saying...!)

Negative minds will NEVER do it....true story..!

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:fie:  Nicola, yes I do have a ground in the pipeline but! it will be a Fitasc Sporting ground to start with if everything goes to plan?

No I won't sell the bussiness to "Yorky" because I was financially raped and pillaged on the last one! :fie:  .

anyway he's not intrested in running Fitasc Sporting shoots. :fie:   :fie:   :fie:   :fie:  

I wonder Siiiiireeeeeeylllllll if it is the same one I know......quite close to another......and has been played with a little before...????

:gamer:  Nicola, send me an e mail and I will confirm or deny privately to you! :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:   :hunter:

i drew a 4" black circle on a A4 sheet of paper set it at 100 yards and shot at it today. it took 3 shots before i hit it.i found aiming about 3 feet over hit it the best.but i only ever hit it with 1 piece of shot.and 3/8 choke got the most shot on the paper.

I painted a cross on the side of a ferry leaving Dover. I sent the shot off, aimed towards Calais about half an hour ago. I expect at least three pellets to hit the ferry before it docks; but only due to the effect of the very long shot string caused by some special chokes I have. I do not expect the ferry to sink, as I was only using 8 shot.

Serious question Ian, is there much difference between the break-ability of different brands of clays? We already know the face is much harder than the belly for instance and I've always felt coloured clays seem less easy to smoke even at closer distances. It's more than likely some of those clays were hit but simply wouldn't break due to lack of sufficient pellet energy ?!


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