Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Sharp edges on ejectors..
      All correct handling aside I also find way too many sharp edges on new guns, Berettas in my case. I do feel that they should be finished...
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    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to eightlittlebits's post in the thread Double vision with Like Like.
      Entirely normal, called physiological diplopia, also known as "normal double vision". If you're right eye dominant you use the left image.
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to SBL's post in the thread Double vision with Like Like.
      Cleaning the gun this morning after having a bit of a torrid time in the dark and rain last night. Mounted the gun a couple of times...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Westward's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2025 with Like Like.
      I did Barbury too and it turned into a game of 2 halves. A friendly squad of which most were pretty competent, having several of the RAF...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Registered and semi’s ?.
      yes we see semi-autos so frequently these days no-one bats an eyelid
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Registered and semi’s ?.
      I can remember years ago Semi-Auto shooters had the decency to look embarrassed about their empties flying all over the place and some...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to SBL's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2025 with Like Like.
      I shot my first registered comp last weekend. Maybe not such a great idea as it was 100 AR (25 single barrel, 25 ABT, 25 skeet and 25...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Shoot reports and news 2025.
      Newbury forecast: I'll take my water wings
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    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to instructor_max's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2025 with Wow Wow.
      An enjoyable but steady day at Barbury, one big battue on stand 3, with some very missable targets in between. No fog this time which...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread old chestnut.
      I shot that with 1/2 choke too and FBlack 8.5's (2,2mm) I wouldn't have been confident with any less choke, I used the 1/4 on the...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Westward's post in the thread old chestnut with Like Like.
      A couple of weeks ago at the Sunday Westfield reg sporting Steve had set a target over the pond that was easily nearer 60m+ than 50. It...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Bavarian's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      I just wanted to explain the origin of the down position. It is obvious that if you can save time you will have an advantage. At some...
    • Martinj
      Martinj replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Yes but Competitive clay shooting has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with winning. If you can gain say 5%? more time to...
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to k80ben's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      Fitasc and Olympic Skeet are gun down for one reason to make it harder. When the rules allow mounted so not make it harder voluntarily
    • Martinj
      Martinj reacted to Bebo's post in the thread Shoot reports and news 2025 with Like Like.
      E J Churchills for me last Thursday. Interesting set of targets, nothing at extreme range, but tricky none the less. I had one of my...
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