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      RJD replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Gun down, gun up is for whimps
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      RJD reacted to vmax1010's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      As I consider myself primarily a game shooter I shoot gun down or out of the shoulder except fast going away trap type targets...
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      RJD replied to the thread Beretta 688.
      Plus the 688 appears to be unobtanium for the foreseeable
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      RJD replied to the thread Advice on insurance please….
      If it’s not contractually excluded, it’s included… how much does your guarantee pay out? How many turns do I get?
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      RJD reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Advice on insurance please… with Like Like.
      If it's a general liability cover (as most household policies are) then unless it excluded than if the operative clause applies, cover...
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      RJD replied to the thread Advice on insurance please….
      It is public liability, LEGAL liability for which you are PROVEN NEGLIGENT to a third party, ‘you’ often means all permanent residents...
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      RJD replied to the thread Advice on insurance please….
      @PeeJay it exclusions you need to look at
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      RJD replied to the thread Beretta 688.
      Lloyd a comparison between 688, 694 and the 825 head to head would be great if you could do this, the only other channel worth watching...
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      RJD reacted to Lloyd Pattison's post in the thread Beretta 688 with Like Like.
      Honestly, I think beretta have made a gun good enough that it will challenge them when it comes to people upgrading. The differences are...
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      RJD replied to the thread Advice on insurance please….
      Sorry for the late response, if you have even half decent home insurance you will likely be insured for PL (check exclusions) and I’d...
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      RJD replied to the thread Beretta 688.
      Yes, were in uk at launch
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      RJD replied to the thread Cartridge Price Hike Again !.
      Cartel smashing prices up and making hay before shooting is banned either directly or by a series of paper cuts…. No different to...
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