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    Dave_3 replied to the thread Cartridge for new shooter ..
    The f blues only seem to come is plastic. Am I wrong? Sorry for another stupid question but I've heard plastic wads can cause issues...
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    Dave_3 reacted to vmax1010's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    When you get to the point of needing the extra 1% for marginal gains then look at cartridges, at this moment in your journey they will...
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    Dave_3 reacted to westley's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    Take heed of all that has been said, in particular the bit about a lesson or three. I don't think a 'bad' cartridge exists any more...
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    Dave_3 reacted to Martinj's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    I agree, at this stage it won't matter what cartridges you use so you might as well use the cheapest you can get your hands on. Your...
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    Dave_3 reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    I would second everything Daz says. The Fiocchi FBlu would be my choice but only because you will probably find you will never need to...
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    Dave_3 reacted to jasper's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    Comp X will be fine . Although I agree with freddy on the fblu's. I'm AA at sporting using fblu for everything. Great cartridge.
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    Dave_3 reacted to Daz W's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    Stay with the entry level at the moment. Worry about higher end cartridges when you start hitting the bigger targets. There's plenty of...
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    I am new to the sport (just over two weeks). I got a 1000 hull comp x with my gun. Is this a good cartridge? I understand it's their...
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    Dave_3 reacted to Westward's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    And that's exactly why he's been banned on other forums. Feeding trolls is never good idea so I suggest that ignoring him is the best...
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    Dave_3 reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    You opened this thread by asking the reasons we miss targets. Those that have replied have provided a (big) list of their reasons. You...
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    Dave_3 reacted to FESkent's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    Have you ever heard of George Digweed listen to what he has to say about Maintained lead. watch from about 17:40
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    Dave_3 replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    My coach started off the session by simply watching me and asking me how I see and read the target (where I see the kill point and hold...
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    Dave_3 replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    He told me to focus on pull away. For now he wants me to use that meathod on all targets. Down the road he said he'll explain what...
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    Dave_3 replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    No, not at all. I have a dot on my left lense and he said if it's works for me then stick with it. Otherwise just close the eye...
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    Dave_3 replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    Perhaps being brand spanking new to the sport I can offer some insight. I have shot a grand total if 500 cartridges. I had my first...