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    Freddypip reacted to chesterse's post in the thread Chokes with Like Like.
    I think the old 682s were one of the best guns Beretta ever made. There was a 30” sporter on Pigeon Watch the other day going for £400 -...
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    Freddypip replied to the thread ClayMate on Solo.
    Load the gun and close it and you normally would. End of the stock held in the crook of your elbow, (in your case) right hand in the...
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    Freddypip reacted to FESkent's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    Peter, why do you so often feel the need to poke and try to make fun of other people? It’s not helpful or constructive and then you...
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    Freddypip replied to the thread Cartridge for new shooter ..
    I like TT1s - I have hit some surprising stuff with them. The short ferrule (brass) has causes problems with some ejectors - my...
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    Freddypip replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    I agree with this 100%. I appreciate you might not take the 2nd shot but the cartridge is there so it might tempt you to think...
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    Freddypip reacted to Daz W's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    If I'm practicing a single target, then generally I'll only load one cartridge. Go in with a plan on how you're going to shoot the...
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    I would be tempted to leave them as they are for the moment. Are the barrels chrome lined and would that be redone ?
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    Freddypip replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    I have added a few points here as I'm not entirely sure I understand whether you are shooting two of the same clay or different ones...
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    Freddypip reacted to Dave_3's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    It's called difference of opinion. You have a meathod but seem completely unable to see anything other than your own thoughts. In the...
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    Freddypip replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    Daz - I agree with everything you say including the misinterpretation of your post. PeeJay – Excellent post for giving your reasons and...
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    Freddypip reacted to Daz W's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    I never said that at all, quite the opposite in fact. If you ask a newbie to measure x amount of lead at the muzzle, then I'll guarantee...
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    Freddypip reacted to SBL's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    I would say that there are different ways and means but ultimately, a good coach watching you shoot and identifying what you did wrong...
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    Freddypip replied to the thread Cartridge for new shooter ..
    MPMilo - I think you are right 7.5 is 7 etc. Apologies. I recall now someone getting some 6s thinking they would be OK for competitions...
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    Freddypip replied to the thread Cartridge for new shooter ..
    Just remember Fiocchi are down a size so a 7.5 is UK 8 etc. The FBlu 7.5 (thus UK 8) 24g is a great cartridge. THIS IS WRONG - THEY ARE...
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    Freddypip reacted to jasper's post in the thread Cartridge for new shooter . with Like Like.
    Comp X will be fine . Although I agree with freddy on the fblu's. I'm AA at sporting using fblu for everything. Great cartridge.