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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. ips

    A question to ground owners

    I remember when a 25bird DTL practice on a Thursday evening was £2.50 and a box of cartridges was £2.50... so a good few hours out was £10......just saying 😁
  2. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    Totally 100% agree 👍..........And not having your finger on the trigger when it has no reason to be there......🤔
  3. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    Anyone clay or game who has there finger on the trigger opening or closing a gun needs to have a good think about it...... 🤔 widget
  4. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    I have no idea if this is true as I was never a sporting shooter but I have no reason to disbelieve you.....I no longer shoot clay I am only involved in game shooting so these days my safety protocol is all about "not shooting beaters in front" the thing is with ALL clay disciplines the safe...
  5. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    Good point sir 👍 One could argue that if new clay shooters are taught good muzzle awareness and safe trigger finger position then if they transition to game shooting they will have a safe grounding because I can tell you that the level of safe gun handling on many game days is questionable to...
  6. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    Not posed, another library picture of a few years ago on a driven day.....finger off the trigger even on an open gun.....not meaning to be argumentative but why would anyone not advocate not touching the trigger until your mounted....muzzle awareness very very important I totally agree BUT belt...
  7. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    Hang on lads and lasses, let me get a drink and get myself comfortable......5 mins
  8. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    Victor sarasqueta 28" circa 1976 . I also have a victor sarasqueta 26" sidelock circa 1975 😁
  9. ips

    Where do YOU stick yer finger ?

    This is my finger position (from a library picture)... and I am strict that folk I am minding on game days adopt same or at least similar, I don't believe that it matters if your above below or on the trig guard as long as your not on the trigger at any time up until you are mounting the gun to...
  10. ips

    Reloading / hornady

    Boom you 😂  See you in the morning 👍
  11. ips

    Reloading / hornady

    Has anyone used tightwad powder for the following... 70mm chedite hull  28g lead CX2000 (209) primer Fibre wad  The hornady data site gives three powder drops but they are obviously for plastic wads, think it's 16.8g...18.?g...19g....I am thinking 10% plus rule puts me around the middle...
  12. ips

    why is there a shortage of maxam powder

    I used vectan AS but moving over to hodgdon titewad that seems to be available 
  13. ips

    RIP ...40up

    It is with great sadness that I inform you all that my very good friend FD Thornley passed away on Tuesday. 40up was very active on this forum for many years but like many of us he had been quiet of late . He was a great friend  great shooter and a great ambassador of all things shooting.....I...
  14. ips

    TRAP GUN??????

    It's a classic, it was and remains very desirable in trappy world....I had the rebadged Parker Hale version back in the olden days that were mid 80s.....if you fancy it but it you won't lose much if anything on it if you decide to sell it 
  15. ips

    Skeet 27” - too short?

     😉 Deleted