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    • K
      My own suggestion is to stick with a 12 gauge, ensure that this young man has it properly mounted and used 21 g cartridges to start...
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      Keith B replied to the thread Guntrader.
      Guntrader is now a great example of someone ignoring the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. If they don't want to acknowledge...
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      Keith B replied to the thread Choke Choice.
      I only shoot Sporting, but it includes close fast rabbits, DTL style going away birds, crossers, high overheads incoming and low...
    • K
      This may sound crazy, but how about changing hands? A friend of mine went from shooting right-handed to shooting left-handed because of...
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      Keith B replied to the thread Cartridge for new shooter ..
      I have homed in on White Gold, but next slab I buy will be DTL Golds. They are I am working my way through 1000 Gamebore White Gold...
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      Keith B replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      At their price point, the customer deserves better.
    • K
      Keith B replied to the thread Beretta 694 choosing nice wood.
      Beretta doesn't seem to bother about their stock wood until you get to the upper tier models. I have seen several 694's with stocks like...
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