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    PeeJay reacted to MartynB's post in the thread ClayMate on Solo with Like Like.
    It’s just a case of ‘ gun fitness ‘ the more you do it the less of a problem it becomes . Another little tip , don’t hold the loaded...
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    PeeJay replied to the thread ClayMate on Solo.
    Excellent, thank you.
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    PeeJay replied to the thread ClayMate on Solo.
    I know this is going to sound stupid, but how exactly do you hold the gun in your right hand. I’ve done it with the barrel resting on...
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    I thank my lucky stars every day that after the Doctor took 5 weeks to complete his bit (🙄) the police side only then took about another...
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    PeeJay replied to the thread ClayMate on Solo.
    I’m quite fortunate that at the ground where I go, you simply run them up on the claymate card. So see and shoot as many as you want and...
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    PeeJay replied to the thread ClayMate on Solo.
    I had a go on my own the other day. I realised that I could put the button in my jacket pocket, so it’s much easier to find and press...
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    PeeJay reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    I agree with this 100%. I appreciate you might not take the 2nd shot but the cartridge is there so it might tempt you to think...
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    PeeJay reacted to Daz W's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    If I'm practicing a single target, then generally I'll only load one cartridge. Go in with a plan on how you're going to shoot the...
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    PeeJay replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    That does all make sense, and I can see how having that consistent routine can affect “why you miss”. By the way, I never take two...
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    PeeJay reacted to Luke_(NL)'s post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    Not sure as to who does what and why on Youtube, but speaking for myself I definitely follow a routine for each stand and each shot...
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    PeeJay reacted to DaveJH's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    Don't forget that they (and you) will likely have different chokes in the top and bottom barrels, so potentially a preference for one in...
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    PeeJay replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    Thank you. I’ll carry on doing it, just makes it a bit easier for me. Definitely unloaded and broken before leaving the stand. I make a...
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    PeeJay reacted to Martinj's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    Peejay, they are doing it for demonstration purposes, when you are in a competition you will load both barrels. if you are practising...
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    PeeJay replied to the thread Reasons for missing.
    Great information that, as every day is a school day at the moment. When I go shooting I/we are focusing on single clays. Our thoughts...
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    PeeJay reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread Reasons for missing with Like Like.
    I have added a few points here as I'm not entirely sure I understand whether you are shooting two of the same clay or different ones...