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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. S

    Shooting glasses for spec wearers ?

    Sounds and looks excellent.
  2. S

    Mindset change

    Don't knock it! ego can be a massive driver and no mistake, gifting a, short lived, paradigm like gain in performance...
  3. S

    Mindset change

    Naturally and whilst respecting your knowledge you offer no counter arguments. I left competitive clay sports probably before you were born, so I am speaking from an angle where we enjoyed the espirite aspect as much as the scores. Please feel free to enlighten us on the modern day aspects. It...
  4. S

    Mindset change

    Holy thread resurrection! 1. Just to emphasise the only person you are competing against is yourself. 2. Only a small % of targets are impossible and that goes for everyone else too; however much can be learnt, from observation of the shooting gods. How do you think they worked them out? See...
  5. S

    Balance - preferences

    Quite an interesting discussion, however tuning yourself into a specific c of g greatly reduces your adaptability, the same way as only being able to repeatedly cheek weld with a specific lop is a massive handicap through the seasons IMO
  6. S

    Beretta 686 barrel problem

    I seem to remember Xtrema mk2s barrels unscrewing nothing related to the OP apart from brand. I do wish I'd never passed on my mk1Xtrema at times, nothing phased it, not even being used as a "paddle" to get me out of a mussel bank on an incoming high tide! Sorry about the ot stuff Well it...
  7. S

    Semi auto, love em / hate em.

    Fair points. Perhaps I should say since I militec'd the block slides and internals, Interflon Fin super'd the removable block internals and mag tube/spring, and Waffen gun oiled the outside of mag tube and recoil spring/mechanism [sits under the fore piece, wet lubed for wet weather] the lock...
  8. S

    Pre mounting sporting

    TBH sounds like cluster waiting to happen. As on old, retired but never bold RCO I say - Never expect the obvious safety implication to be obvious to everyone else; especially if they are having to shoot "out of their skins" to keep in contact with the top guys in a competition or a first time...
  9. S

    Pre mounting sporting

    So, if FITASC, how did they know to face in the correct trap direction GUN UP or not? Sorry only shot FITASC on the Continent and Mediterranean.
  10. S

    Pre mounting sporting

    But he does face in the right direction.
  11. S

    Semi auto, love em / hate em.

    Oh dear some DEEP sports psychological weaknesses there. Be a bugger on your last trap, gold medal shootoff to be against a semi on your left. If they aren't careful with tilt they could have some buggars eye out, let alone bouncing their empties of your fore-end. tsk, tsk. :sleep:
  12. S

    Semi auto, love em / hate em.

    Same with my 3.5 franchi. Hoping to get down to 24grams with some internal treatments but will see how it plays out. Just now sublime handling with minimal recoil on 28g Fiocchi ones...
  13. S

    Semi auto, love em / hate em.

    As the number of incidents correlates directly to the number of users shirley it is beholded of the clubs to encourage more people to take up SA shotgun shooting:LOL: Now lets not get started on camo guns AND slings 😂🤣😂🤣 Pure snobbery.
  14. S

    Cartridge price increases now getting silly

    I have my shooting spread over a number of disciplines, inflated club memberships and insurance is becoming onerous let alone the cost of ammo. Eg local clay membership has the sting of a £72 joining fee on top of your annual sub! Clay prices are a piss take, sorry if that offends, but when I...
  15. S

    Cartridge price increases now getting silly

    Somewhat off topic but if mod wants to remove ok by me...I had collected a number of tyres over the years for growing spuds in. Don't do it anymore wanted to get rid of them. Council only lets you take 2 at a time. I had 23. Distance to dump and back 37 miles. You do the maths. Luckily I found...