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  1. K

    Shotgun grant interview

    PS - opening your wardrobe door and pointing to the floor inside it is not recommended!
  2. K

    Shotgun grant interview

    Personally, my reply was that I buy ammunition at the range. There are no stipulations as far as I am aware of, but if you say you intend to buy shells, clearly they will smile upon you if you can show a separate secure box or safe for the ammunition (preferably in a different place to your...
  3. K

    Thin young lad needs a no kick gun!

    My own suggestion is to stick with a 12 gauge, ensure that this young man has it properly mounted and used 21 g cartridges to start with. If the gun is a decent weight, the recoil will be less anyway and it may give him confidence to progress. If he smashes a clay or two, he will be hooked anyway!
  4. K


    Guntrader is now a great example of someone ignoring the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. If they don't want to acknowledge they have massively cocked up, we just all use Gunstar. Gunstar became the superior site by just staying exactly as they were.
  5. K

    Choke Choice

    I only shoot Sporting, but it includes close fast rabbits, DTL style going away birds, crossers, high overheads incoming and low overheads going away. I also (very nerdily) do post-shoot analyses, listing how many burds killed with each choke constriction. Highest scores have been 1/4 & 3/8, 3/8...
  6. K

    Disabled shooter in need of some help

    This may sound crazy, but how about changing hands? A friend of mine went from shooting right-handed to shooting left-handed because of cataracts. He has made the transition remarkably successfully and is now doing better than his former right-handed scores. Changing hands would allow you to use...
  7. K

    Cartridge for new shooter .

    I have homed in on White Gold, but next slab I buy will be DTL Golds. They are I am working my way through 1000 Gamebore White Gold right now (a great Cartridge, fast), but the next slab I buy will be Eley DTL Gold. They are a lovely soft shooting Cartridge and, as the name implies, very good...
  8. K

    Beretta 694 choosing nice wood

    At their price point, the customer deserves better.
  9. K

    Beretta 694 choosing nice wood

    Beretta doesn't seem to bother about their stock wood until you get to the upper tier models. I have seen several 694's with stocks like floorboards.