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  1. P

    bbc 1

    David - You're absolutely right in that we should and need to have a measured, consolidated stance on this.However, my "Oscar" comment was not knee-jerk, in any way. I thought about, and re-wrote, my comments several times, as I absolutely didn't want to inflame. However one looks at it though...
  2. P

    Hello from Yorkshire

    Maxum said: shootclay admin said: Hello Maxum & Jon - and thanks.Will do, Admin. I'll draft something whilst I'm away over the next couple of weeks.
  3. P

    Hello from Yorkshire

    Thanks for all the welcomes, gents.Now into the swing of it - managed several lessons with Nigel over the last month or so and now have my CPSA Diploma and just completed Stage 3.  Hopefully by the time I get back to the UK for Christmas, my shotgun cert will have been approved! (Had the home...
  4. P

    bbc 1

    Despite telling the reporter that she had no preconceptions, she was (dramatically) visibly distressed upon hearing the first shot, as she got out of the car (whilst I have every sympathy at her tragic loss, it was worthy of an Oscar, but call me cynical!)It was a balanced piece, but was wasted...
  5. P

    Hello from Yorkshire

    Hi there - quick intro.I'm 50-something, based in Yorkshire, right on the edge of the Dales.Did plenty of shooting in my Army days, plus a few game shoots over the years. Fancied trying clay, before I get too old for it and have booked lessons at Coniston, with Nigel.Will update you all when we...