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  1. B

    Masters Degree Research Dissertation

    Thanks for the assistance, keep 'em coming! :biggrin:
  2. B

    Masters Degree Research Dissertation

    Thanks so much to everyone who has done this! Hopefully the submissions will keep coming to help this become a good project!
  3. B

    Masters Degree Research Dissertation

    Thanks very much. Please pass the link on to any other shooters you know if you can. :)
  4. B

    Masters Degree Research Dissertation

    I am currently studying for a Masters degree at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Abingdon and have to undertake a research dissertation as part of my final year. I have chosen to research the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries involved with, or as a result of, clay pigeon shooting...
  5. B


    Hi, I'm Emma. I shoot at weekends with my family taking part in the occasional local competition. Mainly sporting but sometimes shoot skeet as well. Have only been shooting for about a year so quite inexperienced, but love it!