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  1. ShaunWood


    Can't believe how effective this has been already in such a short space of time. The sooner everyone's website and Facebook page is up and running the better!
  2. ShaunWood

    Online Tracking

    Okay no problem! thank you
  3. ShaunWood

    Online Tracking

    I've not received a link for the tracker yet, is it possible for you to resend it to me? Thanks
  4. ShaunWood

    CLA Meet Ups

    Hi Phil Was great to bump into you and have a chat, just a shame It was so brief as i was working. Never got chance to have a walk about. Starshot was good fun though!
  5. ShaunWood

    ABT - English Open

    Hi phil No sorry I've not got them, did you send them in an email?
  6. ShaunWood

    ABT - English Open

    Are any of the trap shooters venturing down to Bisley this weekend for the ABT?
  7. ShaunWood

    Training Camp - Trap

    Hi phil, I can make these dates, will we be needing to provide our own cartridges for the two days? If so how many will we need? Shaun
  8. ShaunWood

    Hi from Yorkshire!

    Just a quick one to introduce myself. Hi I'm Shaun Wood, I was a sporting shot, but have now found my way into Trap. Not done much as this is my first year of major competitions, but shooting the GB selection shoots in UT and OT (mainly for the experience). Every day is a learning curve and a...