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  1. C

    Hello from Suffolk/Norfolk

    Hi All, Thanks again for the welcome. Got my cert yesterday and have just order my cabinet :) Now just need a few lessons and a gun. Thanks for the invite Owen
  2. C

    Hello from Suffolk/Norfolk

    Thanks. I will have to look into Lakenheath. Ps thanks for the offer.
  3. C

    Hello from Suffolk/Norfolk

    It is. Is that Adam E _ _ le? Is Lakenheath up and running? I thought they had a fire a year or 2 back?
  4. C

    Hello from Suffolk/Norfolk

    Hi Adame I'm just the other side of mildenhall from you, just down the A11. Do you shoot locally?
  5. C

    Hello from Suffolk/Norfolk

    Thanks everyone. Can't wait to get my certificate and get shooting.
  6. C

    Hello from Suffolk/Norfolk

    Just thought I would introduce myself to all you forum members. I'm pretty new to shooting. I've been clay shooting a couple of times but want to take it up as a hobby. As the title says I'm on the Suffolk/Norfolk border. Looking forward to being a part of the forum.