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  1. Richard59

    It’s been emotional..

    MrH, am another who will miss your input, all the very best
  2. Richard59

    The length of a shot string

    Just a typo but always thought it was RMCS not RCMS? Back in 70s us oiks and others from Lechlade (now Lechlade-on-Thames) used the play the officers there at cricket, first game of year and it was always the second Saturday in April, every time there we had an absolute hoot, no between innings...
  3. Richard59

    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Wrong Paul, MrPaul Cooper being the centurion, very nice fellow the chap is too.
  4. Richard59

    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Coleys today, was fully booked out, desk said 180+ which included a few non reg entries, for Saturday 1st week in February that's pretty impressive. Weather (we started at 12.30) was more than decent, crumbs Ive been there middle of summer with far worse so spoilt really. Was first up on St1 a...
  5. Richard59

    CPSA smiles on the north!

    Jonz, I probably worded that staff thing poorly, CPSA will have bodies on the ground all shoot days, they handle all the shoot admin, entry desk / numbers / queries / return of scorecards / collating and the live scoreboard etc. They will be there from day 1 till end of final day, I doubt very...
  6. Richard59

    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Have just looked at entries, Coleys for Saturday all 31 squads full, 180+ for a first weekend in February, that's pretty impressive, far cry from the early days there when 30-40 of us was the norm. If any of you are also there I will be the tall skinny drawn out and looking totally bemused one.
  7. Richard59

    CPSA smiles on the north!

    MyWynno, you know well that does not happen at the majors. "Targets Only" option for major shots has been removed prior to 2023 season, and all of the £10 comp entry says in class. Its a feature of the event that the minor place cash in AAA always receives far less than in A B & C due to the...
  8. Richard59

    CPSA smiles on the north!

    Ok, I will bite on all those baited hooks, now Im not privy to any of the perceived masses of sponsored cash input, nor will I, on purely a lack of competitive ability (even in steerage class) going pop north to shoot it. That all said Im thinking that £83 entry (which includes the £10 comp...
  9. Richard59

    Time for a treat

    That's the experience of buying new made to measure golf clubs, sadly there are very few grounds where you can go to have a fit taken and then sent away to have a made to measure shotgun, and in the vast majority of cases these guns will all be made abroad. Most new guns are bought off the shelf...
  10. Richard59

    Time for a treat

    I have no experience of Premier Guns, Coleys however one does, and mine and a fair few others that I know had times where it fell well short of yours
  11. Richard59

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    Fear its can of worms though, and as before would need regulating / stands picked or you'd soon get lots of chaps trying to select the "steady" stands, as for pricing a ground owner could rightly point to his fixed overheads in setting up stands for 100 targets and the 12/13 refs who would all...
  12. Richard59

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    None whatsoever, seems more like if you ask they will accommodate
  13. Richard59

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    Am aware Oxfordshire offer 50 targets, the first six stands on the reg course, though it was mooted / rumoured / gossiped that one wily old sage did ask if he could pick the stands!
  14. Richard59

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    Have no idea where you are form or which grounds you think are having problems, in this neck of the woods, despite increases in virtually everything reg shoots are selling out, and yes even in this wet & wild winter
  15. Richard59

    East Yorkshire shooting ground to close

    One thinks (given the recent rebuttal by the trustees of the ground) that the title of this thread is misleading, the current tenants are exercising their right to end the lease early, the ground itself will continue to operate as a shooting ground.
  16. Richard59

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    They are, and they are, MrsJ likes them, hope thats out of your pocket 😉
  17. Richard59

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    If its a £20-£25 increase thats around 6% on £300/1000 28g cartridge ( and that £300 is hard to find ) not as much as some feared. Recoil is subjective / unique to each individual and there are lots of variables, me Im 60+, 6ft, sub 13st with a sub 8lb MK38 and bar a few 28gm White Golds...
  18. Richard59

    CPSA classification

    9 years is well above the current (new) cut off for having your old classification voided, so now (or whenever you returned) you will be treated like a new member and be classified according to your submitted scores.
  19. Richard59

    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Coleys, 3rd of four welcome Saturday registered shoots, and an even more welcome dry, albeit chilly and then quite chilly day. In a squad of chums which always bodes well, our 12.30 start was on time and muppet here was first up, despite myself managed to straight three of the first four stands...
  20. Richard59

    CPSA classification

    The CPSA rules do cover "unclassified" entrants, Rule 4.2 (b) for English Sporting, Ive no doubt the ground are both fully aware and implemented the rule for all such entrants on the day. If a member falls out with CPSA and then later emerges as a member of the Scottish Welsh or Irish body then...