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  1. Richard59

    2024 “wish list”

    Yes they are rules, sadly most are roundly abused though
  2. Richard59

    2024 “wish list”

    Avoided those as Im not the best judge of targets, sadly costs are only going north and if just a few of the “targets only” chaps put a few bob in the knock on effect may prove the start of higher prizes, and yes we may see a few flying pigs
  3. Richard59

    2024 “wish list”

    Always nice to see you both
  4. Richard59

    2024 “wish list”

    Not wishing to be rude etc heres a few shooting related wishes for 2024. Scorers call is final, no pestering / badgering for hits.🤥 No more wanted nor unwanted advice given / hollered / shown to shooters mid stand. Not quite a 🤫 but its getting worse All score cards (part & full) get handed in...
  5. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    There were 47 of you AAA AA boys there, you chaps do need to bang in 90s to get & stay at the top of the tree, now in saying that Im probably not ( really Im not ) the best to gauge this events difficulty against other shoots locally or otherwise.
  6. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Re county committee, be thankful you have one, Avon folded recently, Wiltshires has resigned en masse and my own county Gloucestershire is also struggling to fill places, its not a cheery outlook that volunteering lark.
  7. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Also came across a fair few non reg, they seem to be everywhere Ive gone too, its cash in till although how it works if ground restricts entry & sell out do they refuse entry to a member yet still have non members shoot it??
  8. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Hangmanstone today, got there just before noon, bit chiiler than of late but no wind & no wet stuff, not been for quite a while it is though a very friendly place and did see & natter to a fair few shooting chums, most not seen for far too long. Skipped first 6 stands as all looked 10+ deep. In...
  9. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    I doubt very much that the two grounds have fallen foul of any “rule” nor is it s recent thing as at both family have shot at the “home ground” for as long as I can remember, nor are they alone in doing so. Crumbs even scorers at a lot of grounds shoot the “comp” and oft pick up in class...
  10. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Ah it was St10, you are indeed correct, for me that battue as it was so low the canopy of the trees also made it / caused it to be seen late, yes moving right further into the covered tarp house would have been the idea.
  11. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Coleys, well my forecast looked well off as got up to miserable drizzle which hung around all morning, must be same the 10 miles up road, thankfully not, but it did get chilly and quite blowy for second half of our 12.30 squad. Car park rammed, the tarmac area full of mostly pristine 4x4s, most...
  12. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Am off in morn to Coleys for the 2nd “winter series” of Saturday registered shoots, the weather rather thankfully looks fair as am bit fed up with the cold & rain, just took a peek at entries, virtually sold out, near 180! Thats quite a feat that. Do feel a bit for those starting after 1 as if...
  13. Richard59

    Wet, Cold & No Birds.

    Not a ground owner nor any financial interest in any, but I dont imagine for a moment that they are any happier than the shooter with no-birds, each is lost money to them whereas for us its mostly little more than simply annoying, Solar chargers, we are not blessed with a great amount of...
  14. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Ha, 🤣🤣 I think your confusing being keen but very rubbish to bagging, theres a very good reason for my scores, again well done you 👏
  15. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Well done you 👍👏 not quite got the hang of this sandbagging game have you 🤪🤪
  16. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    That maybe the case for you AA superstars but to us lesser mortals they are mostly devilishly difficult &!@$%^* things that escape our best endeavours to hit, I jest of course or not in my experience
  17. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Thing is with ESP there are too many variables, if the entry itself is top heavy with AAA AA & A one would expect a high scoring shoot, these AAAs have to bang in 90+ and more just to be in class, and 95 and more to place, have a decent number of those and the plethora of 90s makes it look a...
  18. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Now those Barbury John King days are a looong time ago
  19. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Sam Usher has a 100 straight at Westfield, I do believe he’s the only one, and it was just a few months after his RU at BO 2021 and few before he won BO at Barbury in 2022, some shot this young man
  20. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Westfield is 15 crow miles from home, it was foul here all day which would have put a lot off, that said some shot both!