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  1. Richard59

    No bird clarification

    And yes one has seen very experienced shots try to take advantage of such, oh they laugh when error of ways pointed out
  2. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Coleys today, unsure if it was last months reg or the rather dismal weather forecast that impacted entry which was well down on pre - Worlds offerings. On at 2.10pm, drove down from Dudley where it had been dry, didn't see wet stuff until Junction 11 M5, rocked up at 1.30 ish. Looked wet, was...
  3. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    One layout? I cannot for the life of me seeing Barbury permitting anyone shooting the championship/selection shoot targets as practice, nor would the vast majority of members there want nor enjoy doing so, in short there will be plenty of practice stands open I’m sure.
  4. Richard59


    Exactly my point, most of the clay bashing around here is the twice monthly straw balers all with fibre restrictions, they will simply cease to exist, the "big" grounds on my doorstep Barbury, Coleys, Ladyswood again are fibre only would surely become tumbleweed farms at those prices
  5. Richard59


    Question, if and it’s a monster if, is that with a possible lead ban on the horizon, of the few alternatives steel being mostly plaswad due to cost, bismuth being eye watering expensive how are all these fibre only grounds going to survive
  6. Richard59

    Steel shot - fibres

    Am not familiar with steel shot, let alone steel loads for clay, those of you that do is there a non plaswad cartridge at prices not eye watering for the clay market? Virtually all the clubs and grounds local to me have a “fibre only” policy which may impact business etc
  7. Richard59


    Unaware if there is a reasonable price felt wad steel cartridge for us clay bashers on market given all the “fibre only” grounds?
  8. Richard59


    Oh, mind I think it’s an attempt to stave off a potential lead shot ban?. As with all (and if it happens) as long as it’s an enforced ruling and within a reasonable time frame? 4g less shot, another excuse for I that
  9. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Coleys Open 120 has 612 spaces and tbf has looked to have sold, given everything, very well, the previous shoot nor the £70 entry (£0.58 ppt) not putting many off?? I reckon that every entry is putting £19.60 into prize fund, ( Coleys usually £42/100 birds only) theres quite a few entered that...
  10. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Oxfordshire today, not been for over a year and place is still as welcoming as I fondly remember, tea in a china mug, I resisted a burger, despite the pleasant wafts and had what was a near family size portion of cherry Bakewell tart ( it’s not me it’s this flipping predictive text that’s put in...
  11. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Ok, lets assume all of the other countries sending teams are, like the England Team using a selection shoot process, how, for those in the home country (that's all EE numbered CPSA members) do you see this qualification process working for the individual entries? If your idea is a goer how about...
  12. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    At present am of opinion that English Sporting clay target shooting ( minority sport / pastime at best ) is at present doing well to hold its own, any attempts to curtail by restricting participation at flagship events etc will I fear backfire. It’s inclusivity at “majors” should be seen as it’s...
  13. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    My query is more how does an overseas shooter actually qualify for your restricted entry World Championship? Crumbs I’m just imagining the muddle over here what with instead of them”fastest on keyboard” entries months in advance your suggesting a selection shoot process that would need to be so...
  14. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Oh, there’s me thinking there were entries of teams / individuals from many other nations? If so and CPSA decided to restrict entry to the UK event how does that work for the overseas participants?
  15. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    As it’s a World Sporting event do you also see all the other nations signing up / agreeing to similar 🤔
  16. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Curiosity got me, 1623 entries for main event, that’s very impressive,
  17. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Now I didn’t shoot EJC, but yes you do raise valid points re the averages are far more ”accurate“ of one’s ability etc for the fixed target disciplines. Sporting has, as we are all aware so many variables, with the sheer volume of shoots on offer every week it shouldn’t be too difficult to rack...
  18. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Am another that went to Coleys, it ripped me a new one would be an appropriate phrase. Entry down due to the Worlds, holidays and the general financial squeeze I’d imagine, the near empty car park didn’t offer many hiding places for the finished squads that all bore the look of having had to...
  19. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Sorry to read about the difficulties at Barbury on the whole they rarely get such things “wrong” Huw and Josh are quite approachable so if you get a chance do share with them your experience. Saturday, just had brunch and sitting looking weather it’s overcast with the odd squally shower so🤞 for...
  20. Richard59

    Cartridge price increases now getting silly

    Would imagine the chaps paying the astronomical prices being bandied around per bird those £600+/1000 cartridges will seem a bargain, us clay crunchers however