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  1. Richard59

    How things have changed on here.

    For non competition shooters, there’s a lot of non competitive shooters, I’m one for a start, other than the insurance aspect, and grant you there are other options for that I have to go along with you “little reason to belong to CPSA” line. However I would imagine that in this current anti gun...
  2. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Westfield, SuperSporting. 10 stands, 4 traps on each, throwing 4 singles, two report pairs one simo pair, forty different targets, blew my tiny brain, messed up most if not all, had a bit of a mare really, dont think it was overly difficult just managed start badly then get worse, however didn't...
  3. Richard59

    How things have changed on here.

    Have looked for but cannot find much more than what was in the voting email, might pay to ask for one via your counties WM rep who is surely able to access any missing details. Voting apathy in CPSA has been going on for years, most just want to shoot & have a classification, no more. No...
  4. Richard59


    Am one that needs lenses for astigmatism, normal glasses I have variofocal which adds another quirk that’s not really an option for shooting glasses. Was unaware of the limitations of contact lens options so thank you for that, also give me another excuse for all those dropped low quick crossing...
  5. Richard59


    Have a pair bought through Ed Lyon’s, indeed they are very nice, bit pricey too which really restricts the colour range you can have against a set of arms and interchangeable lenses. Sadly the onset of age has also seen one’s eyesight deteriorate also, still use them ( sparingly) now but very...
  6. Richard59

    How things have changed on here.

    Well yes as it’s been sent to I and I’d imagine all members that have chosen to be sent information by email. It’s not a full comprehensive detailed email I’d admit but it does give a summary of what’s proposed to vote yes/no on. Sadly out of the 20,000 plus members there won’t be many that...
  7. Richard59

    How things have changed on here.

    Was also a member back in the early late 80s early 90s, can’t say had that much engagement with the CPSA at the time, now what with the jolly ( and not so jolly ) post /  internet / facebook/ twitter communication is near constant, my few instances of a need to contact CPSA have all had a quite...
  8. Richard59

    How things have changed on here.

    Do have to agree that there’s been quite the surge in ESP reg shoots in the sunny south, and yes all very well attended, some too well attended if you get drift. Have only ventured out for practice a few times this winter, and no the places were not at busy at all and certainly not as busy as...
  9. Richard59

    Cpsa and fitasc

    Garlands, compared to Westfield is as flat as a pancake, the latter has far more natural features that can be made use of
  10. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Barbury today, have (reg wise) hibernated since September, shot much much less "practice" also during that time and also had a bit of stock work on the MK38 so not really expecting much from toady. With the usual chums, well few more as we had a squad of 7 , still got round in barely 2 hours...
  11. Richard59

    Cpsa and fitasc

    If a shooting ground can host a 100 esp it will have enough “real estate” and traps for FITASC. You are most probably right, and no not many grounds full stop will have a practice FITASC layout available let alone four, cannot for the life of me think why they would, little / no demand and...
  12. Richard59


    Seen some, alas all look as if it was in a worked out quarry, spent enough time in those, am sure it was a spectacle and those few I know that went had an highly enjoyable time / break. 
  13. Richard59


    Oh hope you are over it / well and that it sounds worse that it actually is? Please, if able do offer a more detailed report, tales are a bit thin on ground, know a few that went, good shots yes but more as a jolly it seems. The dear old yanks offer little about the event also. Back to those...
  14. Richard59


    Oh you lucky chap, would imagine it was very pleasant out there in sun
  15. Richard59

    Another old chestnut!

    Lots of brands / businesses have changed / will change names, surely lots of the fixed asset branded items / consumables have a life and will all be changed / used / exhausted in due course, so the £ loss, whilst regrettable won’t be circa the £100k another has intimated? In this day of nearly...
  16. Richard59

    A question to ground owners

    Am another of the opinion that a well thought out, well run registered shoot is VFM. As others had mentioned elsewhere clay or any type of shooting is never going to be “cheap” 
  17. Richard59

    Been away..................................quite a while.

    Tuppence worth, all own personal experience and by no means similar/ same as anyone else’s, we are all shapes and sizes after all. Had a DT10 sadly we didn’t get on, very much more my poor choice than the gun itself. MX2000S, had a long term hankering for one and kept for 5 years in which I...
  18. Richard59

    Sporting Rule

    In my experience it matters not if the shot has entered competition or birds only, 
  19. Richard59

    Sporting Rule

    0/8, and no the horrible refs such as I wouldn’t have allowed, during a competition the stand to have been re-shot, we all know it should never occur but most understand how / why it happens. 
  20. Richard59

    English Sporting 42p & up

    The closure of the cafe area was as early as 2020, the first covid shutdown saw its demise, given shootings score customer base was not alone in finding such a decision baffling / shortsighted. Oh indeed a massive investment happening, whether it will turn the places fortunes is a big gamble...