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  1. Richard59

    Cartridge price increases now getting silly

    MrJ, am thinking the suggestion is that is Fiocchi & Express ( latter now owned by Fiocchi ) 
  2. Richard59

    English Sporting 42p & up

    You are indeed correct, it seems that an unenviable 1-2-3 is as follows EJC 47p Owls 45p Coleys 42p
  3. Richard59

    English Sporting 42p & up

    Admit have not been out and about much at all these last few months, having recently picked up my old MK38 after having a bit of stock work and so very keen to try it out called into Coleys, oh the place is undergoing a major development, a big leap of faith by its owners. Having shot quite a...
  4. Richard59

    World ESP Championship 2023

    ESP looks to have “sold out” in 2/3 days, that’s impressive
  5. Richard59

    Veterans in CPSA majors?

    Am sure the veterans category is in addition to class and you ain’t got any choice on your age category. Also Majors are competition only, no birds only option. 
  6. Richard59

    For Sale: Beretta 694 sporter, excellent condition

    Have you considered using the gunshop at Banbury for moving this gun on? Craig is a very decent chap and I’d recommend having a chat with him 
  7. Richard59

    Lead Shot Ban, in news again

    If the move to 24g is “agreed” one cant see the loss of 4g of shot negatively affecting clay sports whatsoever, the vast majority of us miss as the 28g load is, to be plain, in the wrong place, would we really notice the drop?
  8. Richard59

    What vest?

    Had a few over the years, Beretta (1987-2017) luckily I stayed same shape, not shooting from 1990 - 2008 might have something to do with it lasting 🤪 Musto, only 2 years before it split at numerous seams👎, unlucky really, Hull vest, made by Croots, worn in all weathers it really is top drawer...
  9. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    One doubts the chaps that set the courses read ShootClay nor appear to appreciate that the vast majority of shoot entrants are, er “mature” and no longer have the sharp eyes of an eagle
  10. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Barbury today, not been out since the BO, so back to the scene of that crime as one shot that like a pill, just to show I’m consistent did again shoot like a pill. Squad of some chums plus a fresh face, friendly enough we all are, the clays felt less so, lots of orange and midis. For this old...
  11. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Another at Barbury for the BO yesterday, was with usual chums, 1 pm start, got around even with two hold ups for trap filling in a very respectable 2.5 hours. it was warm without being hot but boy it was windy, had the added bonus seeing the delightful Ms Hoskins and also Mr Wynno who was...
  12. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Garlands today for the West Midlands CPSA "Clubman", this a 12 shooter (4 each from A B & C class) team event with all scores to count both in class and overall. Not been to the place since last such event in 2019, its a 206 mile round trip, having said that its well kept, decent footpaths...
  13. Richard59

    Coaches / Instructors what is a “fair” rate

    Oft thought that this is a taboo subject on here, it is after all peoples careers. Having seen BenH of this parish raise the subject on FB (some may have seen, apols BenH for hijacking onto here) there have been quite a few replies, most aghast at the higher rates ( £75+ per hour) that can be...
  14. Richard59

    Briley speed wrench wanted

    Have you tried Chris Potter? Got one from there 5/6 years ago
  15. Richard59

    Westfield, Glos and H&W CC August 2022

    Been donkeys since shot FITASC and no I didnt do any prep nor practice a full gun down set up, heading for a fall is understatement. Shot in the afternoon, blisteringly hot and arc weld bright, had a pair of near blackout Oakleys and still had to oft squint a bit. Some chums in squad and will...
  16. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Another Fred fan, and no he’s not offered advice, a ribbing or two well more very many but advice no. Would add if grounds took the “not welcome here” to shots who offer similar such “help”(?) to chums, better halves and in some instances clients during a reg ( no not in stand but in close...
  17. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Barbury today, overcast and not warm but not cool enough for layers, shooting with usual Barbury chums, been having an ok time of late so a hiccup was due, probably overdue and no it was not quite my type of course, I might be imagining things but lots of edge on stuff and a rabbit thrown from...
  18. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Hangmanstone today, only just managed to get in the “after 12” crowd control request, entry nr140 and fair few after I. Saw a few celebs inc MrH who gave the impression of having a decent day?  Not planned but met a regular shooting chum so in a three not on Tod. Left home twas overcast, sunny...
  19. Richard59

    Falling numbers of shooters.

    All valid points, all of which are frequently raised on this platform, no easy answer to any, although 5) in my experience new shooter numbers are greater from the more, er mature age bracket than “youngsters” but thats a whole different kettle of fish.  Good luck selling the 686, my first gun...
  20. Richard59

    Sporting shoots. Your personal accounts. 2022

    Thank you but I think the giddy heights of A are not for me, more than a Stewards Inquiry if that ever happened. Barbury today for our County Sportrap, again glorious weather in a lovely setting. The three  layouts in the open took its toll on our mature (OAPs) squad. Target wise have always...