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  1. H

    Laser practise systems, are they any good?

    There are different opinions for the Dryfire.  I am after one, it seems great (if not perfect) for the DTL, however is it any good for skeet? I suppose it is ok if you think of station 4, however what about the rest of them? They say you can connect it to the projector. I guess this will give...
  2. H

    Olympic Skeet Coach in Yorkshire

    Thank you all, tried JR few times but had no reply. I will try the others.
  3. H

    Olympic Skeet Coach in Yorkshire

    Thanks Gary, Park Lodge had OSK for 1-2 weeks. They said nobody used them and they decided to put the traps back to English Skeet. In general the traps are poorly maintained there. Many times the mark was max at 2 meters high and pull landed before the mark trap (Not talking about the Training...
  4. H

    Olympic Skeet Coach in Yorkshire

    Hello, I am very keen in Olympic Skeet. Unfortunately, I live in Leeds. Closest place is 50-60 miles away in Beverly. Which is fine. My bigest problem is that there are no Coaches around. I did some lessons with someone, who was ok but for English Skeet. There is somebody else with 20+...