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  1. C

    Handedness and eye dominance

    Thanks for the advice folks. It's a bit confusing since a lot of good shooters have been keen to tell me about the importance of shooting with both eyes open in order to maintain 3D vision. Others reckon shooting with one eye dimmed or closed is just fine... I guess it's a case of finding what...
  2. C

    Handedness and eye dominance

    Good lord man, that's what the butler is for!  I reckon a bit of trial and error might help. I'll have a go at shooting left handed and see where that gets me! Edit: I've tried a couple of simple 'hold your hands up and cover an object' type eye dominance tests, but is there a reliable way to...
  3. C

    Handedness and eye dominance

    Hi All, I'm just getting started in clay shooting, and I'm already confused - I'm hoping to get some advice before I get too many bad habits! My problem is that I'm (mostly) left handed. For anything 'one handed' (tennis, squash, writing) I favour my left hand. However, for most two handed...
  4. C

    Evening All!

    Thanks for the warm welcome folks.  :biggrin:
  5. C

    Evening All!

    Hi All, I'm a new visitor from South Wales, come to join the fun. Until Saturday, I hadn't shot for over 20 years. Then I got invited to a small club shoot, and afterwards found myself thinking "Why the heck has it taken me this long?". So, I'm a novice, looking to learn and contribute where...