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  1. k80ben

    Pete Blakeley's patented target evaluation system.

    Holy moly the rubbish gets worse. And for miserable Salopian. I’ve never ever peddled my stuff on here that’s just you sitting in the home imagining stuff. As for bending the truth. My accreditations are listed everywhere and my championship wins even more so. Not made up nonsense with a...
  2. k80ben

    Been away..................................quite a while.

    Wood stock is way better for sporting or anything with 28gm
  3. k80ben

    Been away..................................quite a while.

    The drop is the difference between front and back of the stock. I fit 20 odd guns a week and where possible I keep the drop under 4mm
  4. k80ben

    Been away..................................quite a while.

    For the average gun the 694 is a much better handling gun. Easier for to shoot. The dt10 is the premier gun that’s the one to find. Dt11 and 694 have too much drop in the stock both will need addressing at purchase. If your a recreational shooter the 694 is a much better option
  5. k80ben

    Method gateway by BH

    1500 gateways over 600 into USA and just over 10,000 eye dominance rails (starting to manufacture in the USA as well to keep up with the high demand) not bad eh for gadgets that don’t work and soo to be on shelves in USA large outlet Never peddled them on here though The rail has European...
  6. k80ben

    Method gateway by BH

    I designed this more for coaches to use than shooters. We made 1500 of them and they sold in a month. We’re just looking at a upgraded version
  7. k80ben

    Fore end grip

    I first read this and thought it was April fool. One it’s a great habit to get into keep your hands loose Two can part of pre shot routine Three could be subconscious therefore it’s a great habit So unfortunately the post is more insane than the fingers
  8. k80ben

    Tramlines Who?

    The way your describing a messy shot is how I plan to take mine and speaking with a lot of the worlds best they’re exactly the same
  9. k80ben

    Tramlines Who?

    Most definitely not mate. I wouldn’t take a shot without looking at barrel Thai is how I get my method and lead the perfect inch.
  10. k80ben

    Tramlines Who?

    Would strongly disagree with that. Looking at the gun is imperative some shots I’d see the gun more than the clay.
  11. k80ben

    Tighter choke for newbies?

    John was a great friend of mine and he started with quarter quarter in his later days moved to half
  12. k80ben

    Tighter choke for newbies?

    Truest statement ever
  13. k80ben

    Tighter choke for newbies?

    If u ever see roger federer practice with a smaller racket than the one he uses then give it a whirl. I would say this is more a tongue in cheek statement as it most instances practice with what u use not something different
  14. k80ben

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    I’ve taught 100s of people with recoil issues and managed to fix everyone of them. I would say the ignorance is believing you have to put up with it
  15. k80ben

    Noob Again - Lead

    I tried to warn you all. It’s happened with him on numerous platforms. Terrible shot, terrible coach and peddles lies about achievements and quotes. But you all hit melt down
  16. k80ben

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    I would strongly disagree. Now with a bad mount and bad fit I would agree. But if the mount is correct and the gun fits there’s anything in the way to strain
  17. k80ben

    Another price increase for cartridges at end of January

    Or get a gun that fits as there is no recoil or jump if it’s corrects Shooting 24gm is like starting a rugby game with 13 men with opposite team having 15
  18. k80ben

    Mindset change

    I would disagree with all parts of this post. This comes from a mindset of someone not aspiring to get better or compete. I respect it’s your view but from the competitive side of the game this mindset won’t work
  19. k80ben

    Balance - preferences

    Again depends on hand placement and stature to get the balance point correct. Game shooting very similar
  20. k80ben

    LH Eye Dominance

    Couldn’t disagree more. It’s called cast on and cast off. I’m right handed and would shoot what you call a left handed gun There’s guns that fit and guns that don’t