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  1. G

    Beretta 694 choosing nice wood

    That cock is good stuff. Used it on air rifles. It will definitely darken the wood but when dried and buffed it gives a very good finish. The only reason I stopped using it is because Ballistol did the same thing and cleaned and protected my guns at the same time from the wood through to the...
  2. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    I did have a moment pondering swapping the 694 for another semi so you never know…….
  3. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    Hahaha. The Transfer List is always lurking in the background. I think what it is, is on the semis, once setup to my liking, my eye and head fall into the ‘right’ place. Then I shoot quite well. With an OU it’s a different story. Not bad but then not as good as the semis. Been the same across...
  4. G

    Beretta 694 choosing nice wood

    I’ve always used Legia and Ballistol. For everything. Not had a problem yet. 🤞
  5. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    Well out on a shoot as I type. The semis in my hands shoot way better than the 694. Take from that what you will.
  6. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    Yes I have moved my head placement which brings my eye to the right position. I now shoot and hit well and have done for quite some time. No other issues. I guess last night it was the first time I’d laid them down side by side and was just commenting on the obvious differences. That’s all.
  7. G

    ACS DT11

    Is it not more of the case that they are only just becoming more popular?
  8. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    They do as I had to shim them down and cast to the right. What I’m saying is without the shim and extra length on the pads etc the guns do not fit me. They all do now but I was pointing out how different the overall length is between them. The autos are longer and fit the easiest.
  9. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    It does on the view. My eye is higher on a shorter barrell. Add length and it is better. Just highlighting that my semis are far longer than I thought compared to the 694 which needs an extra spacer to bring my eye into line.
  10. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    btw, the angle of the photo etc may not be perfect, not a photographer, but the principle still stands.
  11. G

    Length Matters it seems….

    Simple thing really. I have - Beretta 694 32” Beretta A400 Xcel sporting 30” Beretta A400 Upland 30” As you can see from the two photos. With the end of the stocks lined up the 694 is substantially shorter. When you line up the end of the recoil pads it still is but not so much. I am 6’3”...
  12. G

    ACS DT11

    I too like the idea of raised ribs etc. However I find they tend to come with a Monte Carlo stock, which does not fit me. Puts my eye way too high. If you can mount one and it fits I’d be a little jealous for sure.
  13. G

    Firearm and Shotgun UK Statistics

    Used as as best an official source as I could find. Interesting stuff. Link -...
  14. G

    Riddle me this……?

    I did suspect an ever such slight optimum cross over point. However there is the. The immediate question of how much of a deviation, if at all significant, is there before and after that sweet spot? Of course there are multiple world champions with O/U so this really is a question about...
  15. G

    Riddle me this……?

    I was going to Google this but decided to see what you guys think first. How do two barrels work vrs one? An O/U surely will have a different POI as they are approx an inch or two apart? So therefore different. Physics then dictates that the lower barrel will shoot lower than the upper barrel...
  16. G

    Bennelli 828'S'

    Thank you. Dreams crushed 😀
  17. G

    Bennelli 828'S'

    Does anyone have one of these? Real life ownership. The Sport not the Field version. Intrigued by it and the shim system which is a huge bonus. I am asking after the sport specifically, not all the aluminium version field gun. I have read many comments about the 828 but these always seem...
  18. G


    I saw the flyer in my rfd saying they were now on TriggerTraders. Suggests there is a push to add more to the platform. Either way I too looked and liked it. Good to have options.
  19. G


    TriggerTraders is looking good and easy to use. Not quite as big as GunTrader but growing. Might be worth a look?
  20. G

    Semi auto, love em / hate em.

    Well the idea would be one that doesn’t do as you say. To prevent cartridges being flung all over the place whilst doing a good job would be handy. Nobody is saying ‘let’s just use one regarless’.