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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. schmokinn

    Where to sell old/collectable shells?

    Where to sell old/collectable shells? Any suggestions? Have quite a few gunmaker/dealer specific ones also.
  2. schmokinn


    You don't appeal a not guilty verdict!
  3. schmokinn


    I am willing to bet no further action and they hope everybody has forgotten by the time they sneek out a minor notification. Am i a cynic..100%
  4. schmokinn

    Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

    Thats fine Will bit i only commented on what you stated,my nature makes me want to go back and stick it to them. I do have a similar but more confrontational issue going on with another ground.
  5. schmokinn

    Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

    Due to various things i have heard recently i do not believe a CPSA member can be banned from a REG event,not that will necessarily make you feel better about skeet in the woods😁
  6. schmokinn

    What a waste!

    If only they could convince the criminals to hand them in!
  7. schmokinn

    What a waste!

    My rfd has a t least on day a month that he spends cutting up cheap crap/unviable guns i have seen very large piles,very few people want the sort of guns usually handed in and it is cheaper than paying an RFD to dispose of them.
  8. schmokinn

    BBC News Quiz 2nd Aug 2019

    are you trying to sell me a house?
  9. schmokinn

    Can anyone identify this shotgun stock

    Doesn't fit mx12/2000 unfortunately 😥
  10. schmokinn

    Can anyone identify this shotgun stock

    Can anyone identify this shotgun stock?
  11. schmokinn

    Ergosing evocomp stocks

    Think Peter Wilson may be well on the way to changing that :biggrin:
  12. schmokinn

    SGC in Norfolk

    how gracious of you!
  13. schmokinn

    My Gun is Better Than Yours - Please Explain Why

    Your beginning to sound similar to the Bugblatter Beast of Traal! 🙄
  14. schmokinn

    Beretta 692 normal?

    Unfortunately i don't think they have the gunsmith there anymore and you will get nothing constructive fromthe rest of them,disappointing as he use to be there with his own little stall.
  15. schmokinn

    Release Trigger rule

    K80's make me flinch  :ph34r:
  16. schmokinn

    Eley Superbs

    Pounds just checked they were actually 215! not sure if thats their normal price.
  17. schmokinn

    Eley Superbs

    I went to Ireland for the worlds and shot these as they were only 220 a thousand inthe gun shop there,prefer the power golds still but these a close secind.
  18. schmokinn

    My Gun is Better Than Yours - Please Explain Why

    another mistype...would have thought that obvious to somebody so intelligent. tho Is actually tho' as its foreshgortened it must have an apostrophe but i am sure that was just a mistype🙄
  19. schmokinn

    The Barbury Pro One Challenge 2019

    Really...cannot agree with that description in any way.