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  1. J

    Brace yourself

    Mr Garland told me yesterday. And as fiocchi uk operates out of there I have no reason to doubt it.  Jasper. 
  2. J

    Brace yourself

    Fiocchi up 10% from Monday. (6th feb) Jasper. 
  3. J

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Ah yep. Them pesky locals.🤣. Or maybe they just been practicing  reg targets.🤔🤫. Oh no sorry, that's against the rules. So nobody would do that......... Jasper 
  4. J

    Cartridges , value for money versus cost

    I think  Will will probably notice a difference between sporting 100 (which are super soft)  and fblus. But I like him doubt their down range performance.   Down range performance of the fblu is just not in question and they are considerably cheaper too.  Jasper. 
  5. J

    Brace yourself

    Well probably. But realistically how much is there to be saved from home loads. Especially when you factor in the time taken. Do The seeds of doubt creep in when you realise that your shed built loads aren't as good as factory loads?  No idea really on costs involved for the equipment...
  6. J

    Brace yourself

    This will become a bone of contention at esp shoots soon. When the change over to 24grms happens. We already have folk using 32 grm 5's etc Jasper. 
  7. J

    Brace yourself

    No not ever. But I prefer to play by the rules. Dont you?? Jasper
  8. J

    Brace yourself

    No good for reg shoots though.  Jasper
  9. J

    Cartridges , value for money versus cost

    Was shooting official sporting and fblus this week. Really no difference. I find the fblu smooth through dt11. Quite honestly no other cartridge is required.  The price is a bonus.  Come up clean as a whistle  too.  Jasper
  10. J

    Cartridges , value for money versus cost

    Remember  when joker came on the market as a budget brand. Cheap and cheerful . I broke lots of clays at reg level with em. Now costing more than my go to fblus. No value there.  Jasper. 
  11. J

    A question to ground owners

    Yep me.too.  Bugger just gave my age away .🤣 Jasper.  
  12. J

    Been away..................................quite a while.

    We had two 682 gold e both had loose forends continuously.  So seems like this problem won't go away.  No such probs on dt11 to date.  Jasper. 
  13. J

    dt 11 question

    So would definitely keep my paws off the action. 😉 Jasper. 
  14. J

    dt 11 question

    But I like knowing that the 1/2 will break almost anything.  As you say. All in the mind.  Jasper. 
  15. J

    dt 11 question

    Well it does depend if its proper reg sporting or club level. For proper reg targets I usually use 1/4 and 1/2. I have two of each so will change according to targets.  Standard chokes . Fblus.  Very very rarely I might put a 3/4 for an absolute monster target. Prob about twice a year.  Club...
  16. J

    Been away..................................quite a while.

    My dt11 is ace . I shoot well with it and it's never missed a beat. Caveat the blue stripe is carp. The 694 was not available  when I got mine.  Very happy with my choice . And as it was a pre loved purchase it seems to be holding up well price wise too.  Jasper. 
  17. J

    Another old chestnut!

    Well basically it involves distancing clay shooters from game shooters so clay shooters can continue to use lead in 24grm loads because they couldn't  be used by game shooters . And the whole thing about lead is it getting into the food chain.  And they want to do a deal with the hse , to...
  18. J

    Another old chestnut!

    Err yep. It's a cracker. 🤩 Jasper
  19. J

    Cartridges , value for money versus cost

    Spot on. Simply superb cartridge.   Jasper
  20. J

    A question to ground owners

    🤣. Popcorn.