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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Growl

    Are inches important

    Thanks all, I think after taking on board the suggestions I'm going to stick with my 30" tubes at the moment and learn to shoot with what I have - no sense searching for Excalibur as it just don't exist, i'm confident in the patterns my XS is throwing and iv'e even been known to hit a few long...
  2. Growl

    Are inches important

    That's me, certainly a one off  :afro:
  3. Growl

    Are inches important

    Think I'm going to have to try one and see, I'm looking at a CG Maxum.
  4. Growl

    Are inches important

    Afternoon all, I'm at the 'research' stage of a possible investment, I am considering moving from a 30" set of tubes up to a huge 34" my concern is that I will have to massively change my shooting style and target approach, I am somewhat of a quick shot, I can pick up and establish a kill point...
  5. Growl

    Cheshire shield

    Just trying to remember - wasn't that one of those I straighted..........................just saying.....lolololol
  6. Growl

    Cheshire shield

    What do you mean old........
  7. Growl

    Rain on specs...

    Afraid as far as I am concerned, if you don't want to wear glasses - don't go out expecting to be allowed to shoot a registered competition, until the rules are changed they should be enforced, same rule for everyone, the grounds should put up clear notices informing shooters, this way the refs...
  8. Growl

    Favourite shot size

    Eley VIP 7.5's at everything - lots of brass, all other cartridges are sh*t
  9. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Perfect Daz, made the day complete. 
  10. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Hi Tim and thanks for the welcome back. it is really a matter of personal preference,while some purists like the aesthetics of the schnabel forend others prefer the more hand filling characteristics of the beavertail, for me all of my earlier shooting was done with either my trap gun or my...
  11. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Massive thanks to Salopian, he has tracked me down a cracking forend off a grade 5 mooky......cheers all.
  12. Growl

    Useful sayings

    How much lead did you give that? enough !!
  13. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Tried that buddy 
  14. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Get help now!!!!
  15. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Cheers Guys, it was Adam at Premier who got in touch and he is asking quite a bit..I'll keep trying, I'm doing good thanks shortlegs, hope you and yours are all good buddy, good to hear from you, all the best mate.
  16. Growl

    Shotgun Cartridge Wads

    Did the same thing work for sheep?
  17. Growl

    Shotgun Cartridge Wads

    From what I was lead (no pun intended) to believe, the issue is that the degrading plastics - wheather moisture or sunlight degrading do not break down quickly enough to be livestock safe, they still cause issues and blockages in animals (and hence hefty vets bills) until they can be produced...
  18. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Thanks Battue
  19. Growl

    Trying to find a beavertail

    Good morning everyone - I hope you're all well I am trying to track down a beavertail forend for my Browning Ultra XS - I tried to message BenW but I think my works laptop is a bit pants so the messenger system would not work correctly! If anyone has one or knows of one at a reasonable price...
  20. Growl

    Who's where this Sunday? - 2014 (Sporting version)

    Interesting day at the fitasc, I think my top coach (Daz) only beat me by 8 - getting close buddy....... I'm off to Kingsley on the 23rd if anyone is up for a whooping :spiteful: :spiteful: