Absolutely, I come from a smallbore rifle background so well used to adj butt hooks , I'm not one for fiddling after it's set unless it's to compensate for firing point or target height on different ranges.
I'm using Pilla Panthers and on Fri used a 26ED which I'd got off ebay last week, really cut the bright light down as on stand 1 you were looking straight into the sun
I wondered what stocks people are using and for what disciplines?
I've just picked up a fresh Dt10 skeet so manufacturer's at the moment but looking at various aftermarket, TSK, Goodshoot and Ergosign
Anyone using a Promatic pigeon trap could take a pic for me of the inside of the control box or aerial plug connection please ?
One of my friends traps has had the aerial cable ripped out of the connector in the control box and I wanted to repair it for him
There are 3 wires in the connector...
Last year I bought a "new old stock" Webley & Scott 1790 , made in 2007 and had been advertised for sale from then, fantastic gun and made by Zoli ( Kronos )