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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. 525kev

    Clocks go forward

    Do you own a Shotgun ??
  2. 525kev


    Monday back to Sporting Targets for another attempt at hitting a Clay, Got another Gun to try out which will be my wet use and lend a friend weapon :) Thinking about it i would rather be shooting in Japan but can't pronounce the Japanese word for PULL !
  3. 525kev

    Some cleaning questions.

    The Filth and Depravity on this Forum never ceases to amaze me.
  4. 525kev

    Some cleaning questions.

    Any particular make Chippy ??
  5. 525kev

    For Your Viewing Pleasure

    So there effectively throwing the empty's at the cameras.. You'd of thought all that money and they could afford a vest with a special pocket for empty cases :)
  6. 525kev

    For Your Viewing Pleasure

    Why ? cause they be special so they don't have to pick up like us commoners !
  7. 525kev

    Choke sizes from Barrel markings.

    Got it now . Once choke mm is worked out you divide that figure by 25.4 to get the thousands of an inch (thou) measurement then match to table below and we have a winner. Thanks FreeShot :)
  8. 525kev

    Choke sizes from Barrel markings.

    Ok peeps i need some elp here please. Have Fallen on an old Spanish sxs made in 1961 but i can't work back the choke sizes from the markings so need someone who is adept with an abacus:) Left hand barrel 17.6 18.4 Right hand barrel 18 18.4 I know there's a formula but can't find it on...
  9. 525kev


    Hi and welcome to the Forum :)
  10. 525kev

    What Gun and Cartridge do you use

    I'm using 21g and to be honest thought they were really clean but i'd only put around 125 through so like you don't have a bench mark yet . Fibre or Plastic ?
  11. 525kev

    What Gun and Cartridge do you use

    They look a nice Cartridge :)
  12. 525kev

    What Gun and Cartridge do you use

    525 Premium Gold 30" Sporter 1/4 1/4 Briley extended chokes against Clays Hull Comp X 21g 7.5 Fibre
  13. 525kev

    Cartridge companies

    If he'd spent less on the Gun he might be able to afford decent cart's !
  14. 525kev

    first gun

    Ah a Shot Gun Wedding then :)
  15. 525kev

    Steel pro's & con's

    Would you put them through your Gun ? If you had a choice and was only going on price.
  16. 525kev

    Steel pro's & con's

    Reading that other thread linked above i am now seriously in fear of my Gun should i decide to go that route which is looking doubtfull now especially given some members are far more informed than i ever will be shooting !
  17. 525kev

    Steel pro's & con's

    Maybe ! Did the same with Diesel cars around early 80's now there the Devils spawn .
  18. 525kev

    Steel pro's & con's

    Thought my Trigger felt a tad Wooden, Thanks for the heads up :)
  19. 525kev

    Steel pro's & con's

    Been looking around at cart prices now i've started shooting and realise it's not the cheapest hobby i've owned . Just Carts are selling Game Bore Super Steel Lite 12g 21g plastic 7.5's for £152 +£15 p&p £167 against my Comp X 21g at £192 at my local rfd. Thats Question as i know nothing...
  20. 525kev

    Finally arrived !

    Ummmmmm 125 I only took 150 and they do disappear rather quick  :) 181 clays @ 30p a pop