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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Luke_(NL)

    Noob Again - Lead

    While there is a "popcorn and lean back" sort of enjoyment in reading the various back-and-forths, it doesn't add up to an actual exchange of knowledge on the forum and tends to end up in digs (by a single poster) at people who are well respected by the population at large. The gist of the...
  2. Luke_(NL)

    Beretta 694 sporting choke replacements

    I use 1/4 and 1/4 for most everything. I might screw in a 1/2 if I would think to see far away stuff, but I mainly shoot skeet and compak. Allegedly steel throws a tighter pattern than lead, and one is 'supposed' to use more open chokes to compensate. I can't really comment on that, having...
  3. Luke_(NL)


    Getting a fully custom set of woodwork is also possible, but will set you back more than the gun costs. If you want to go down that rabbithole, have a look at the site of say Manuel Ricardo or if you like the tech-look, Ergosign .
  4. Luke_(NL)

    Beretta 694 sporting choke replacements

    Beretta just labels the chokes in a different way. Their LM (Light Modified) should be 3/8, as its sits between IC (Improved Cylinder) at 1/4 and M (Modified) which is 1/2. I also think that you'll be hard pressed to tell the difference between 1/4 and 3/8, but the mental game counts too...
  5. Luke_(NL)

    Fibre and Choking

    If someone would pay me a pound for every clay that I didn't break as a result of the clay slipping through the shot pattern, I'd be... five quid better off. Maybe. And I shoot 1/4 & 1/4, albeit with steel cartridges.
  6. Luke_(NL)

    Shooting and watches

    Best not to know when the missus expects you home anyway :cool:
  7. Luke_(NL)

    Wanted Wanted: Precision Fit Stock.

    Likely helpful if OP told us for what make & model of gun
  8. Luke_(NL)

    Miss fire!

    Being a Browning and the bottom barrel specifically, my guess is that there's gunk in the 'channel' guiding the bottom firing pin, which slows down and gives a lighter strike. For some reason the bottom suffers more from this than the top pin does. Could be any debris really but likely dried up...
  9. Luke_(NL)

    Choke Grease

    Sturdier version of bog roll.
  10. Luke_(NL)

    Miss fire!

    Out of curiosity, what did you do with the other 4-6 shells that didn't go off? Not "keeping them" would imply they were either fired in another gun (or barrel) which I hope is the case, or that they were discarded. Discarding a live cartridge doesn't strike me (pun intended) as the best thing...
  11. Luke_(NL)

    Shooting and watches

    Having had a recent chat with a posh-watch-salesperson, I can relay his answer to my question regarding clay shooting. He actually did a bit of shooting of his own, and he said that in his opinion, if the watch is worn on the hand holding the forearm, there's really no worry. He was less sure of...
  12. Luke_(NL)

    Newbie here

    I'd suggest giving a ring to a few places you'd like to go. That way you can ask any questions you have, find out which places are friendly to newbies and pick and plan accordingly.
  13. Luke_(NL)


    I would not put it past Dr. Lecter either, and if it satiates the apparently quite frequent need for gun replacement, at least he'll have an easier time adjusting to the "new" gun(s) indeed 😁
  14. Luke_(NL)

    DT11 trigger shoe

    I've replaced the triggers on a 692 and DT11 for right handed versions, on the 692 for reasons of finish (i think it had a silver trigger originally, which I replaced for a black one) and then on the DT11 because I wanted to be sure to keep everything in line with what I am used to. It is a bit...
  15. Luke_(NL)

    Elbar / El Chimbo

    Not sure about that, from what I gather it may have had to do with old poaching stuff. I do think that you're right in the sense that even if allowed, finding steel shot would be very difficult if possible at all.
  16. Luke_(NL)

    Elbar / El Chimbo

    That sounds like fun. Unfortunately 410 isn't allowed here, because of who knows. Permitting cartridges that could be used for fun? The horror. For use in the field? Nope. I would imagine I'd have had a ton of fun if grandpa would have handed me a 410 when I was too young for a full size 12 gauge.
  17. Luke_(NL)

    Cone height

    Really? I think others may have pointed this out already, but given the above and many other posts, we could be mistaking your genuine interest as wanting to sell books. If so, try the For Sale / Wanted section, as your comments here don't strike me as serving the interests of the OP. I know I...
  18. Luke_(NL)

    Cone height

    Until someone helps OP sort proper stance, hold, mount and cheekweld, a try-gun is only making the hole deeper. You can adjust such a stock to any weird way a shooter may want to hold his gun, but that doesn't mean that way of holding and mounting the gun is correct. I'd consider it more likely...
  19. Luke_(NL)

    Gun reviews on youtube

    Just from the still my thoughts go to a couple of wine "connaisseurs" who may have sampled a few too many 😁
  20. Luke_(NL)

    Stock damage

    Looks like the sort of thing that happens when a gun is the rack and something places another gun in the adjacent spot but is being #$%&! careless. Could also be any other hard surface. It's a common place for this sort of mishap but easily repaired: Cover the affected are with a damp piece of...