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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. C

    Understanding shotkam video

    If that was off a tower, high and at a good speed then you were almost certainly behind it providing the shotcam reticle is calibrated. It's quite hard to tell from the video with a clean background and unknown zoom just how fast or high up it is. A pause at 00:00:06 shows plenty of materials...
  2. C

    Beretta 694. How ... , please?

    Get some oil on that wood as soon as possible. A few coats of boiled linseed oil or something will be fine. Plenty of guides on youtube showing you how to do this. The matt finish wood is quite open and will swell when it gets wet. There is very little clearance between the top leaver and...
  3. C

    Is shooting good for mental health?

    Certainly works well for my mental health, even when I've had a mare and been very disappointed with my performance. It's good to get out and take focus away from life and put it 100% into doing something relatively menial like shooting at little black discs. I shoot with a lot of older folk...
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    I'm with both BASC and WCTSA, Wales specific version of CPSA currently (BASC x 3 actually through various syndicates and clubs) as I shoot both live quarry and competitions. I wouldn't be with any of them were it not for the insurances provided and the competition shooting element. WCTSA...
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    For Sale Cartridges

    Hi KPR. Can you let me know where you are based and where you would be happy to meet to exchange? I'm based CF44.
  6. C

    Ear defenders

    That's a shame to hear about CENS. I'm put off by using the cheaper, home assembled options for the likes of Mercury and Decibulls as once modified there are no guarantees of any protection rating. At least with a manufacturered device there is some recourse should they not perform as...
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    Ear defenders

    For anyone wanting to go down the path of in ear electronics, I 100% would not reccomend Custom Fit Guards. They are an unreliable product and CFG will not support you. All repairs after the first year are chargeable regardless if you've had a replacement or repair that is less than a year old...
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    New Browning release - 825

    I'm not sure what the point of your post is but there isn't much that really can be done to warrant a new model at the standard 725 price point which was the point of my post. Shotguns have been around in one form or another for about 200 years and they are quite simple assemblies of quite...
  9. C

    New Browning release - 825

    Looks like a 725 only with 825 written on the side. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of upgrades or at least nothing mentioned in the video. Apart from some revised barrel tech I'm not sure where Browning can go with this. Very much still a middle of the market basic sporting gun. It...
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    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Shot at Westfield shooting ground in the Cotswolds yesterday for their 20th anniversary celebratory event. It was a 150 bird English sporting shoot based over two 75 bird courses. Westfield are renowned for setting tough courses with targets and ranges that you wouldn't usually see at other...
  11. C

    Shotgun grant interview

    Have your cabinet fitted in advance of the interview. They'll only have to come back if you haven't and this will delay by as long as it takes them to schedule a return visit. You know where your keys are and no, you won't tell them or anyone else where the keys are kept. I kept mine on my...
  12. C

    Remember to put your glasses on

    Shame these damn glasses are so expensive. Must hurt taking a clay shard to a Pilla lens and having to shell out £180 for a replacement. Though not nearly as costly as having the shard hit your eyes... A guy at a local club got smacked in the side of the head by a clay this past weekend. Ended...
  13. C

    Riddle me this……?

    So, Intrigued by your question I've had the gun and bore sighting laser out as it was just getting dark enough to see the laser and still see the trees in the background. I have some trees at approximately 20m, 40m and 100m away from the standing position and a garage wall at 5m. Gun used was a...
  14. C

    Riddle me this……?

    Aren't the barrels of an O/U ever so slightly angled towards each other on the vertical plane? The aim being that the POIs converge at a fixed point. I would assume that it's around 30m or so. If I use a bore laser on my 694 the bottom barrel POI is slightly above the bead at around 40m with...
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    Shoot reports and news 2024

    You are absolutely correct and it's something to work on. I have long term ambitions that go beyond casual shooting so learning to keep the flame lit during wait times is essential. I am a serial target watcher so that's something to be mindful of in the future. The refs calling out the next...
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    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Thanks both for the kind and encouraging words. I'm a hugely impatient person with a set target for this year. I do need talking down now and again and to remind myself that it's a long game and overnight success isn't likely. I shot the 100 ESP at Westfield today. I did have a huge rant typed...
  17. C

    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Brook Bank today for thier registered 100 English sporting. I've never been before despite it being roughly the same distance as my usual grounds. Nice place, well kept and with a nice clubhouse. Though It definitely is a DTL/ trap/ skeet ground with a little sporting slotted in where there's...
  18. C

    More misses than an unmarried womens convention

    If it's just practice, wait for the next batch of shooters to come through and watch how they approach it. You may even go as far as to ask them how they did it. Most will be happy to explain and the absolute worst that can happen is they tell you go away but you'll still have been able to watch...
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    Shoot reports and news 2024

    Nice one! You must have felt like a champion. It was a good coach that made all the difference. That's probably the best thing that one can invest in when starting out in the sport.
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    Shoot reports and news 2024

    That appears to be a genuine case of someone having done exceedingly well on the day providing there aren't other factors at play that aren't immediately obvious. I did take a look at that persons past scores to see if there was any funny business and they have been shooting a while with 40+...