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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. G

    What did you do today that’s shooting related?

    Shot a charity shoot yesterday, was in second when I left with a 93/100, and reaffirmed that I HATE rabbit targets that hit oak tree roots and jump freaking backwards. ;)
  2. G

    Arthritis of the neck

    I had a couple level neck fusion two years ago, and have some crepitations now.  I have found heat, advil in moderation BEFORE shooting, and a neck/back massage every few weeks helps quite a lot.  And I have had to change my stance just a bit to account for targets coming from my left.  Good luck!
  3. G

    Failure to enter your card

    Indeed, I have seen "State Championship" level shoots here 'cross the pond that did not have master sheets at every stand.  Cheaters will find a way to cheat, its just "who they are."
  4. G

    Pilla Prescription Costs

    Here in 'merica, the land of hyper-expensive, the RX insert (for Outlaws, without lenses) is $180 plus the cost of lenses (for which Pilla recommends Trivex lenses with an anti-glare treatment).  If you paid full suggested Pilla retail for just the single vision prescription lenses and insert...
  5. G

    Failure to enter your card

    Back in the early days, here in 'merica, it was common to shoot sporting tournaments with reloads.  A penny saved is a penny earned, and so forth.  Then, folks figured out they could reload with "orange wads," and if they missed a bird, ask their "entourage": Did I hit that, I thought I saw a...
  6. G

    Failure to enter your card

    Here in the 'States, if you are an NSCA member, you are required to "register" your targets, and cannot shoot "hunter's class/birds only."  How they actually enforce that, no one knows. 
  7. G

    Is a semi too hard to use??? (Sporting clays)

    Just for funsies, I weighed my 3 clay shooting 391's last night by stepping on/off the bathroom scale with/without gun.  All were just a hair under 10 pounds, with a bit of added weight, kick-eez pads, and adjustable combs.  I was surprised by the weight (assuming the bathroom scale is really...
  8. G

    which ear plugs

    I use in-the-ear electronic plugs for clays, and most wingshooting that does not involve blowing a game call.  The compession circuit will make your duck/goose call sound like a duck buried in a mine shaft, and you will struggle to not "blow out" the birds with too much volume.  Otherwise, I...
  9. G

    Varifocal or fixed?

    Single vision seems to be the most common on this side of the pond.  I sort of learned to "peer underneath" my shooting glasses to mark the scorecard. 
  10. G

    Is a semi too hard to use??? (Sporting clays)

    Hello!  Having owned, or now owning, higher end Beretta O/U's, Perazzi, and Krieghoff(s), I always find the notions that semi-autos handle poorly to be curious.  My favorite guns to shoot are Beretta 391's with a little weight (5 oz) added to the stock bolt.  And with the shim kits supplied with...
  11. G

    UK Sporting Clays Magazines

    Thank you for the suggestions.  Now that Shotgun Sports has become nothing but re-tread articles,  we are in a bleak spot over here.  We have a new "start up" magazine here in the deep South along those lines called "Garden and Gun."  I hope it makes it, it is fairly heavy on the "Garden," and...
  12. G

    UK Sporting Clays Magazines

    Hello!  Lurking Yank here.  We have NO decent clay shooting magazines here in 'merica, other than Clayshooting USA.  I already subscribe to the UK edition "Clay Shooting."  Are there any other UK sporting clays magazines to which I should look into subscribing?  Thanks!