I’m not accusing you of selling sir purely that you’re misguided in your information.
The sports moved on ten fold. And if your not in it now at the top end your dated and out of touch
I believe you mean well but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
Please list the number of world, European and national championships you have to your name sir in those 50 years.
Michel manjot
Christophe Auvert
Charles Bardou
Alessandro gaitano
Damien Birgan
what system do these guys shoot and is it the same as 5 years ago?
Just looked down the list and respectfully we’re talking different levels of coaching and champions. Talking about winning and winning are two different things sir.
The sport needs every level of coach and there will be a market for everyone ours are just extremely different.
I know every top...
Please next time stop me and come say hi. Yes I’ve coached numerous world champions and national champions but many beginners on their journey too. Maybe we see something quickly that can make a huge difference
The list above there isn’t one name on there that could take a student to become a serious competitive shot. A pattern plate give such false results and its only use is to check cartridge / choke combination.
The sport changes every 5 years and gun fitting has changed immensely over the last...
Pattern plates are completely useless. It’s your right to not agree sir. That’s when people reading so the research and look at records and back grounds and choose who to believe moving forward
The post u moved him to read is one of the worst I’ve seen.
unfortunately the site u mentioned falls at the bottom of the snake oil you talk about.
Gun fitting is indeed an art form and should be left to those that know. And currently shooting has gone through a huge change and old style gun...
NEVER EVER EVER BEND. It’s a terrible idea that always goes back
Balance is as important as fit. JWS stocks at Wolverhampton is by far the best around for a adjustable
Not found a stock maker or gunsmith than can fit worth a ****
Pitch will alter the poi. Muzzle flip is a non relevant entity and seriously over thought. Lop, cast is the key but over all the neutral balance point of the gun is what determines is movement and handling
Frank hsssekamp shoots full and full no problems with pattern blowing at all
High performance dark storm 28gm 7s
Tell your colleague to stay off the mushrooms