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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. H

    Musto clay jacket sizes

    Can anyone tell me how the musto clay jackets come up? I am looking at one and think i am XL, but can only find L and XXL at the moeny i am prepared to pay so do i go larger or smaller 44/46 chest and 5'10" This is the jacket...
  2. H

    CPSA bashing! IT has to stop! Positive comments only please

    IT's supposed to be things they do well............... But i guess what they do works...
  3. H

    CPSA bashing! IT has to stop! Positive comments only please

    RIght thats it I'm fed up with all the CPSA bashing threads. This is your national governing body!  SO only reply to this thread with stuff the CPSA does well! Errrrrr...................
  4. H

    Firing pins damaged?

    Do you have separate practice pins saving the competition pins just for comps?
  5. H

    CPSA Courses

    Joined up thinking not their primary talent obviously!
  6. H

    CPSA Courses

    Front page advertisement for cpsa courses!
  7. H

    hull superfast

    Recently been shooting Fblack 24g, superfast, hull intercomp 24g, all good, best breaks express power blue 8's ! Fab breaks! Eley Olympic blues I didn't like bought 750 sold 675 at a loss!
  8. H

    CPSA Courses

    Anyone seen the front page of pull..... .
  9. H

    First gun for a beginner

    Find a tidy one under a grand buy it................  but life will much easier right handed.....
  10. H

    OT shoots coming up

    Alright for some!
  11. H

    MIroku MK60 trap.

    Mid Rib, engraving, tang (Model number!) 
  12. H

    OT shoots coming up

    Only have december's dates. 7th dec 100 DTL £50 high gun 14th dec 100 ABT £50 high gun   21st dec 100 OTR £50 high gun   27th dec 100 All around Reg  £100 high gun   28th dec 100 Skeet Club/OSK Fairly sure next weekend is OT as last weekend was DTL but phone and check before travelling...
  13. H

    Firing pins damaged?

     LMFAO..... 300 times? i think a couple 0's fell off the end imagine a car with no odometer...... Fortunately the 325 is good for hundreds of thousands of shots, pitted pins is common on all Browning/Miroku, a good smith can re grind the pins to extend the life or replace. parts for the pin are...
  14. H

    First gun for a beginner

    English cottage industry overpriced and unreliable (Bailed out by German money) You'll want a boss single trigger ejector!
  15. H

    OT shoots coming up

    Sw2000 if I'm free and you come down ill have a larf and try and shoot it under 2 hours from wolves. Got the fixture list at home I think.
  16. H

    MIroku MK60 trap.

    It may have been a changeover gun apart from the label my 3800 is an mk38 they may have stamped mk60 but it being a 6000 mid rib is unusual for a miroku though. Got to be worth £6-700 of anyone's money
  17. H

    First gun for a beginner

    Ill be honest mostly status quo and snobbery. Fit and accuracy are down to the shooter. Reliability and resale are what differentiates them all guns are cnc made, some are finished by hand but cost of materials and labour are a big factors in cost (that and marketing spend/profit) Do you drive...
  18. H

    First gun for a beginner

    I said that about shooting left handed..... But it doesn't make my life easier.... Plenty of people shoot rifles from the right shoulder shoguns from the left and vice versa it's totally different style of shooting. Lanber and bettinsoli make left handed guns perfectly serviceable but you will...
  19. H

    First gun for a beginner

    DOwn to fit, if you don't need much cast then having the cast the wrong way might not be an issue but if you need the cast then having a stock cast the wrong way (particularly the the toe) can be an issue. Life shooting off the right shoulder is far easier.
  20. H

    DTL everywhere! But where to shoot?

    No it wouldn't Sian then i wouldn't have won! (C class) 