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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. JoostB

    Practice with tighter chokes?

    I think investing in a good coach will get you further. 
  2. JoostB

    I noticed a lot of clay shooting pages on Facebook.

    Agree with that. Prefer a forum over fb any day. 
  3. JoostB

    Are your eyes looking where you think they are?

    I am afraid that it really is 14. The optician said that in his whole carrier he had only seen one person with a prism like this. Of course after seeing your Youtube films and reading your posts I have experimented a little bit over the weekend. As I usually shoot skeet I am used to targets...
  4. JoostB

    Are your eyes looking where you think they are?

    Thnx Ed, Perhaps it is possible that I come over once in the summer when covid numbers are low again. That is, if it is possible to test and correct problems in one or two days. I will see if it is possible to get toric soft contact lenses that are meant for one day use. It makes sense that...
  5. JoostB

    Are your eyes looking where you think they are?

    I close my left eye just before I take the shot. I don’t know if it is horizontal or vertical. Perhaps you can tell by the specs of my contact lenses?
  6. JoostB


    Good one Luke, will try that as well! Too bad that all of the grounds around me close for two weeks at least after this weekend. 
  7. JoostB

    Are your eyes looking where you think they are?

    If you were in the Netherlands I would come pay you a visit tomorrow. RH shooter, left eye dominant. Right eye -6,5. Left eye - 4,5. Prisma 14 and a lot of astigmatism. Enough stuff to fix 😅
  8. JoostB


    I guess I could try that!
  9. JoostB


    Hi All, So for the past year I have been shooting my Browning ultra xs pro. It fit me well straight out of the box. It comes with three different size inflex buttpads. The middle size was fitted. It comes with stock and barrel weights to change the balance to your liking. So far I had not used...
  10. JoostB

    Which one would you pick?

    How long have you been shooting for? Have you sone different guns yet at a shooting school for example?
  11. JoostB


    I agree with Luke for the most part. Specially about the extra weight on the barrels. Since skeet is my game missing has more to do with a wrong move than with lead etc. I think a cam that would film the person would be of more value. I will spend my money on coaching.  One exception. At this...
  12. JoostB

    Skeet Gun,

    Yes, may be… Until it has to be done under windy conditions. Then you will be able to determine which shooter actually shoots it using repetitive tricks and which ones are performing based on technical skills. 
  13. JoostB

    Skeet Gun,

    It seems to me that here in Holland sporting skeet is used as the step stone to Olympic skeet. As Luke says, technique, equipment and all are the same. Just easier. I know that if I try to shoot gun up now that I find that more difficult than gun down. That may be the other way around with some...
  14. JoostB

    Skeet Gun,

    I guess the trick is not too make the action with the arms, but from the knees and hips.
  15. JoostB

    Skeet Gun,

    I am not sure what the official model is, but I see adds coming by of Miroku Skeet&Skeet guns.  My first shooting lessons was with one of those. Fitted me great. 
  16. JoostB

    Wanted : Browning Titanium Invector Plus IC Choke

    Just buy both so you can mix and match 😀
  17. JoostB

    Wanted : Browning Titanium Invector Plus IC Choke

    My XS pro came with 8 titanium chokes. In reality whilst shooting steel here in Holland the LF, Full and X Full will never be used anyway. As I mainly shoot skeet I have only ever used the cyl and the improved cylinder. Anybody wants to trade thee full-ish chokes for the same ones in Skeet and...
  18. JoostB

    Browning Xs Pro Exquisite Stock Bolt

    Same here. The only issue that I have is that a small pin wants to come out of the fore end. But some lock tite has solved that so far.
  19. JoostB

    DT10 / DT11 - stock bolt differences

    If that is the case then I think we have actually met in person Yesterday!
  20. JoostB

    Browning B525 SL

    I liked it a lot. I think it handles better than a standard 525. I went with the Ultra xs pro myself. Some love the laminate, some hate it. 