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  1. JoostB

    White tape

    Thnx, makes sense!
  2. JoostB


  3. JoostB

    White tape

    Same thing here. I am so far in my gun that I see nearly no rib. That is why I am also wondering how it would give more awareness while shooting. I never have the feeling that I don’t know where the muzzle is.  Would be nice to hear from someone who uses it what the secret about the tape is. 
  4. JoostB

    White tape

    When in the ready position? Or when shooting? I am not sure that I would see it whilst shooting. 
  5. JoostB

    White tape

    I like to watch skeet finals on YouTube. Quite often I have seen shooters with white tape around their barrels near the end. And now I am wondering what the purpose is of that tape…  thnx for enlightening me!
  6. JoostB

    Skeet shot size?

    I have not been shooting clays for so long (1 3/4 years) but have been shooting mostly sporting skeet for the last year. With a round of sporting clays every now and then. I use a cyl and an IC choke since my ultra XS pro didn’t come with skeet chokes. Cartridges are 24/7 steel shot plastic...
  7. JoostB

    Gun reviews on youtube

    Yes, well filmed. Enjoyed that a lot. I often watch skeet finals on YouTube but this was way better filmed!
  8. JoostB

    Where can I watch the Olympic shooting events?

    I have watched older olympic skeet finals on YouTube. Hopefully at some points the Tokyo ones will also be availabe there.
  9. JoostB

    More lead, more dead

    Steel has a lot more BB's per gram. It is not as good at range as lead though.
  10. JoostB

    Coaching from a multiple world champion (a real one)

    My experience growing up in the equestrian world was that more often the highly talented top shots were not to best coaches (some exceptions of course). Much of what they do came so natural to them that they don’t know how to explain what they are doing. People who had to struggle more to reach...
  11. JoostB

    B725 black wear

  12. JoostB

    Barrel length 693 vittoria

    It did come with extended chokes. Not the 2" version I think though.
  13. JoostB

    Barrel length 693 vittoria

    Even though she thought she would go for the 30”, she ended up with the 28” version. Shot it yesterday and shot it well. 
  14. JoostB

    BROWNING Ultra XS Pro ( feedback )

    I own one. It is my first gun. I have shot many different school guns. I learned that I liked browning/miroku better than the other brands they had. Then tried (shot) some new miroku and browning guns and liked the Ultra Xs Pro the best. I have had it for 6 months now. Never had to move the...
  15. JoostB

    Barrel length 693 vittoria

    (Lady in question speaking) Thanx for all the advice! It doesn’t make things easier though.... 30 more multifunctional but possible front heavy ness 28 more suitable for skeet...🤔 I think I’ll just go for a 30’’ since I’m strong enough to handle it and feel I need the stability of a longer...
  16. JoostB

    Barrel length 693 vittoria

    Thank you all for the answers so far. All comment are helpfull in the process of making a decision. You are very right. That would be the ideal way. But so far we have not found the way to try them both side by side here in Holland. She has been lucky that she has been able to try one in 28".
  17. JoostB

    Barrel length 693 vittoria

    My wife is looking at a 693 vittoria. She is just not sure what barrel length to go for. Either 28 or 30”. She is 1.73mtr tall. The gun would be used mainly for skeet and parcours. Later on perhaps also to hunt with. 
  18. JoostB

    "new" type clays ,whats the best shade lenses to use

    Perhaps pilla are paying the clay manufacturers to come up with as many new colors as they possible can 😀 
  19. JoostB

    How to assemble the MK7000

    Pffff tell me about it. I tried googling ‘Nederlands (Dutch) team skeet’ this one time...
  20. JoostB

    Beretta unveiling... something?

    For me the magic is a little bit gone with plastic covers...