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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    Shootclay cup who's going ?

    Booked on for 09:00 on the Saturday.
  2. Andy S

    A First - Win in Class

    Well done
  3. Andy S

    First 100 straight DTL

    Well done.
  4. Andy S

    Ear protection

    Make sure you get the gel pads for the MSA's makes them so much more comfortable to wear.
  5. Andy S

    I feel the urge to shoot DTL again, am I mad

     See you there :nyam: I'm on squad 4 peg 5
  6. Andy S

    European Helice Championship 2014 - Madrid

    Well done to all :goodjob: :goodjob:
  7. Andy S

    Krieghoff Classic

    Ian, there is definately diffing height trap houses, on the Friday one of my squad members, an very expericence England shooter and fellow club member said to me on this layout use the fence instead of the top of the trap house as your marker, you know there is a difference. I enjoyed the...
  8. Andy S

    Krieghoff Classic

    Well I shot this on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and my overall impression is this shoot is very underwelming, there is just nothing to do once you have shot your 100 birds, this is very noticable on Friday waiting around for the lucky (unlucky as in you would have had to gone out again in the...
  9. Andy S

    May 17 / 18....what's everyone up to?

    A gold coloured 100 penny coin. It was 80 something 236 :fie:
  10. Andy S

    May 17 / 18....what's everyone up to?

    Well not going to mention my score today.... However I was the first to donate to the DSG collection fund, even had me Shootclay shirt on.
  11. Andy S

    May 17 / 18....what's everyone up to?

    Went to work today for a bit of Saturday overtime, looking at underfloor VAV boxes. Tomorrow is Bisley Gun Club for 100 DTL.....
  12. Andy S

    Air rifle advice for clueless potential newbie

    Will, Have a read, then look at the different air rifles for sale:
  13. Andy S

    Muller Chokes - are they as good as they claim to be?

     I find comments like this offensive and they really do make me consider leaving this site for good! I shot all kinds of discplines including sporting and do not consider myself to be a simple person.
  14. Andy S

    Muller Chokes - are they as good as they claim to be?

    Well as you are 16 yards back from the trap house the clay will be visable from around 2-5 yards out of the trap house, so you will be shooting when the clay is around 25-45 yards, from you.
  15. Andy S


    Welcome Home Just shot the Bisley Gun Club 200 weekend and it was won by Phil Morgan with a 198 - 592 , yesterday it was strong winds which at times made for shooting a rising teal target and today we had thunder, lightning raind and wind to contend with.
  16. Andy S

    Hello All, I'm back..

    Welcome back mate, glad you better.
  17. Andy S

    My Birthday Cake

    Brilliant Happy birthday Simon.
  18. Andy S

    22 / 23 March....on my way home....will I be back in time to shoot?

    Not sure if I'm shooting tomorrow, as I am taking me Mum and dad to the Gatwick in the morning, for 6AM check in!!!! I must have been mad to agree to getting up at 4 AM on a Sunday, still they are going to the on a 2 week cruise in the sun for their 50th wedding anniversary.
  19. Andy S

    Perazzi mxs

    Even the new V8 one looks beautiful, not short on power either  521bhp and 192mph.
  20. Andy S

    15 / 16 March...withdrawal symptons weekend 1

    DTL at Bisley today a 91-264 to finish joint 4th in C Class, no envelope this time out.  Again a poor second round of 21 - 60, all on our squad shoot badly on this one, mainly due to a dog barking incessantly in the background and then a Helicopter flying over. Need to sort out the meantal game...