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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    Miroku Grand Prix 30"

    Nice :hunter: :hunter: :hunter: :hunter:
  2. Andy S

    What if...F1 teams made fighter planes?

    This presenter certainly didnt recognise the engine note though!
  3. Andy S

    8 / 9 March shooting and beyond....

    Jason, It was me and Hazel telling you to do your shooting vest up, at Gunsite that did it. :ok:
  4. Andy S

    I Might Be Shooting Less In the Near Future

    Right just to update this thread, I did indeed get made redundant, although  at the time of the second meeting they could not tell me how much they were going to pay me but they did put me on gardening leave. Upshot of this is I sent a text message to my old MD, as I had not seen him for around...
  5. Andy S

    8 / 9 March shooting and beyond....

    Well actually had a weekend of shooting. Saturday shot the Hampshire OT champhionship, on the same squad as Wayne, shot an 18 on the first round then following a very short break shot the 2nd round shot a poor 13 to finish on 31ex 50, not to bad for the first OT registered. Then went on a had a...
  6. Andy S

    BBC News Quiz

    5 for me this week
  7. Andy S

    1 / 2 March....what are those of us who didn't go to Dubai doing?

    DTL at Bisley Gun Club today, shot the first layout poorly finished on 20 doh, then shot a 23 followed by a 24 with a 22 to finish on a 89-258 to be 2nd in C Class.
  8. Andy S

    Hello from Hampshire

    Hello and welcome
  9. Andy S


    Nahhh your be fine, it is all smoke and mirrors anyway. :bbq:
  10. Andy S

    Cpsa classifications

  11. Andy S

    BBC News Quiz

    Five for me
  12. Andy S

    Sold my car, got a new gun!

    A very good looking Gun there.
  13. Andy S

    15 / 16 Feb - what has everyone got planned this weekend?

    DTL at Bisley today. 1st In C Class with a 91-267 very pleased with that
  14. Andy S

    It had to happen

    Well done to Harry. :bow: Its a strange feeling being beaten by your son, a mixture of sorrow because he beat you and happyness because he put in a good enough score to win with.
  15. Andy S

    Think I need to up my game - .

    Nice one Mart, Well done for the pair  :thumbsu:
  16. Andy S

    SGC's are infectious, be careful!

    My wife really enjoys shooting in fact she ended up with 2 guns before I did.
  17. Andy S

    I Might Be Shooting Less In the Near Future

    Mart, I will find out on Monday if they are making me redundant or not. The two directors and the my departmental head are having a conference call on Saturday mornng to discuss the situation, the MD now lives in Spain and is only over for 5 days a month, to sort out payments etc. alongside his...
  18. Andy S

    I Might Be Shooting Less In the Near Future

      I can only wish you good luck as well. Redundancy packages are not worth a lot these days....... Thanks everyone for the good wishes.