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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Cosmicblue

    Ian Coleys - in decline or a one-off?

    Have shot at Ian Coley's ground many times and never been disappointed. Earlier this year, back in the summer the interior seating area where one could sit and have a coffee - unwind after an hour or two in the car getting there was replaced by retail clothing racks - no refreshments.  OK...
  2. Cosmicblue

    Wedgnock (aka Adventure Sports), Warwick

    Shot there yesterday with a bunch of friends, what an excellent ground, circa 16 stands including a Grouse butt with an ABT trap to keep things entertaining, some exceptionally challenging targets too, we all enjoyed it. Although this is 10 minutes from home for me I rarely visit, silly really...
  3. Cosmicblue

    BioAmmo Rex - bio-compostable cartridge case and wad.

    Having shot a few thousand Jocker's bio cartridge with the carboard/cork cupped wad with good results, I was slightly saddened to see the price rise from £215 to £233/1000 in 24grm form.   I get my carts from Claverdon Cartridges so whilst there last week was offered BioAmmo Rex 24Grm 7.5/lead...
  4. Cosmicblue

    Blaser F3 Vantage vs Perazzi HPX DSR

    So shot the F3 Vantage today for the 1st time, new to me, but is a little used 2015 gun (same year as the Perazzi).  The F3 has a conventional Sporter stock with a fixed comb and fits me perfectly Both guns are fixed raised rib designs, on the HPX one 'sees' the top of the rib in peripheral...
  5. Cosmicblue

    828U Sport...circa 10k carts later

    Archived 828U Sport thread So maybe nearer 10,000 shells down the tubes and an intermittent problem has appeared when the gun is warm - the bottom barrel fails to fire, all I hear is that faintest of clicks - rather than the typical sound of a triggered firing pin,  the primer of the shell is...
  6. Cosmicblue

    Pro Ferrum - Snake oil or works?

    So got an advert via Guntrader earlier in the week from Sportarm for some miracle oil/cleaning fluid call 'Pro Ferrum', fairly expensive and claimed to be able to remove fouling easily. Brain said 'snake oil' heart said 'buy one to try'.... a 200ml spray arrived today, courtesy of DHL...
  7. Cosmicblue

    Benelli 828U Sport - tried one

    Was fortunate to be able to put 100 shells through Rugby Gun shop's demo 30" Benelli 828u Sport at Barby Sporting today.   Having tried the ultra-lightweight alloy actioned 828U (positioned as a game gun), previously - unpleasant in the shoulder would be a polite way of saying it beat me up even...
  8. Cosmicblue

    Benelli 828U Sport

    I have to admit I pondered getting a Benelli 828U as a 'wet weather gun' rather than taking the 'P' gun out on foul days - it's not like it comes to any harm but it's a beautiful tool that deserves better (maybe an owner that could match it's capabilities would help too 😀).    When I tried an...
  9. Cosmicblue

    Game Fair 2018 - Ragley Hall

    Went today (barely 30 minutes from home), got on-site not long after 7am.  I thought it was a well organised event, a lot of not-country-pursuit related retail and the gun maker's row stuff seemed somehow smaller.    Pricing of food stuffs/drinks etc seemed more reasonable than previous years...
  10. Cosmicblue

    Barbury Shooting Ground

    Made the effort to get down to the Barbury shooting ground south of Swindon today, set high up on the chalk downs it is a beautiful spot.  Everything is neat and well organised, good car parking, paths between the stands, fencing and all well signed - top notch.  Went with a couple of mates, and...
  11. Cosmicblue

    Demo gun experience?

    I was at Ian Coley's ground near Cheltenham - home to the most expensive coffee on any shooting ground anywhere I've ever encountered - £1.50 for a small cup of very poor machine produced coffee, equaled only by equally expensive clays nearly £49 for 115...good target presentations though...
  12. Cosmicblue

    Wet weather gun...?

    Given the recent weather down south the wet stuff (rain) seems a distant memory however....the longest day has come and gone so it's the downhill slope to winter again! I'm probably not alone here in that when it rains taking one's pride and joy out in the p1$$ing rain s not exactly a...
  13. Cosmicblue

    Met Police release all the addresses of cert holders
  14. Cosmicblue

    Clay Shooting Classic 2017

    Thought I might do a billy-no-mates booking given that this ground is even more remote/hard to reach than last year if one lives anywhere other than the southeast of the UK.... It seems one has to phone the Southdown Gun Club direct to book...great but their phone number seems like it's...
  15. Cosmicblue

    Garlands Shooting Ground - Saturday 14th March, not safe!

    Safety is something we are all responsible for at a shooting ground and thankfully because we all observe the greatest of care in the use of lethal weapons to pursue our chosen sport the activity is unlikely to result in accidents. With 4 shooting friends we decided on a trip to Garlands...
  16. Cosmicblue

    And yet another new man on the block...

    Hi I'm John and I live in Warwick - I've been shooting clays for almost 5 years having never fired a shotgun until I was 50. I've also never shot a registered round so the CPSA database has a round zero for me... My 1st gun - which I still have is a 30" Browning Ultra XS Titanium Prestige and...
  17. Cosmicblue

    And yet another new man on the block...

    Hi I'm John and I live in Warwick - I've been shooting clays for almost 5 years having never fired a shotgun until I was 50. I've also never shot a registered round so the CPSA database has a round zero for me... My 1st gun - which I still have is a 30" Browning Ultra XS Titanium Prestige and...