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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Macc Ladd

    Dubai comp is hotting up one day to go!

    Some top GBR boys near top of the list, going to be tight tomorrow. Doesn't that ground look sh*te? The scores look as if the shoot is tough going!!!
  2. Macc Ladd

    Boxing Day shoots

    Any idea what's on anywhere Boxing Day ???
  3. Macc Ladd

    Fauxdegla auto shoot

    Did any members shoot the auto shoot today? I thought the benelli at West Midlands last week was good! But fauxdegla put a great shoot on today that certainly matched it, was slightly trickier. Well done to all involved with setting that shoot up!!!!!! "Credit where credits due"
  4. Macc Ladd

    Disappointing day

    Turned up to a shoot today had to wait on 3 of the first 5/6 stands because of no scorers!!! It has happened to me once before which I put up with, but was" bloody annoyed" today I felt it was one too many and asked the owner for a refund. He did mention that I should buy my own xxxxing ground...
  5. Macc Ladd

    Wylye 28.04.13

    Great shoot Sunday Ian!! Thought you really mixed it up A bit, few more longer birds. Apologies to your good lady I was going to take 2 of her crumbles home with me, then I thought "with the journey to Westfield?" i will have them next time. I thought your staff did a great job well done to the...
  6. Macc Ladd

    English sporting

    Any scores from Southdown
  7. Macc Ladd


    Has anybody suffered recoil in the left shoulder even though they shoot off the right? Not sure if mine is from that or from all the excersise I used to do
  8. Macc Ladd


    born in Macclesfield Cheshire now live near Tenby Pembrokeshire.  Played a lot of sport football, rugby, golf, really got the shooting bug. our biggest gripe is the distance we have to travel to shoot decent targets!  has been known to cover 500 miles in a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i know crazy 