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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Paul120

    Paris Olympic live scores

    Link to the Olympic site if you want to follow the scores of the shooting events. The link is for the 28th July but all events can be found from here.
  2. Paul120

    Commonwealth Games (it's becoming a joke)
  3. Paul120

    Pilla Nose bridge/Piece

    Hi. I've been using some Pilla no post shooting glasses.   I some leses have the little wire nose pads and a couple which are designed for archery (a blue one and a lime green )  don't have one fitted.  Either way, I need something to raise the lenses as they sit too low or slip down.  Pilla...
  4. Paul120

    CPSA Olympic Trap Poll.

    Just to make those interested in OT England teams. The CPSA have a poll on their website on whether Ennland Selection shoots should be run as 200 or 125 target events over 2 days. See website for details.  Edited;  As Phil says below the poll was sent out Bia Email NOT on the Website as...
  5. Paul120

    ISSF World Champion

    Congratualtions to Matthew Coward-Holley.  2019 Olympic Trap World Champion. 
  6. Paul120

    CPSA Average books.

    Before the t internet and computers the CPSA used to send out a book with members classifications and averages for the year.  Has a anybod still got any?   If so what do they tell us about well known shots, yourself and what the cut off points per class were etc. 
  7. Paul120

    Perazzi MX8 and DT10 wood sets

    FS DT10 trap stock & forend. (Top set in picture) Good cond. No splits cracks etc. Small dinks but nothing major. Right hand cast. Original LOP.  Not too sure about drop as I no longer have a DT10 but think it is around 32 at comb to 44 at heel. £375.00 ovno. FS. Perazzi MX8 (drop out...
  8. Paul120

    Wanted. Gamba Daytona Trap stock.

    I'm after a Gamba Daytona Trap stock with dimension around 30mm DAC  40mm DAH. Around 14 1/2 to 14 3/4  LOP.  Right handed with a little cast.  Thanks Paul. 
  9. Paul120

    Nad Al Sheba. Dubai

    Anybody know what happened to this event?  
  10. Paul120

    CG Summit

    TraplSporter standard gun. What do you think?   Looking fot owner experience and warranty details etc (does warranty sit with the gun or just first owner?)
  11. Paul120

    For Sale:- DT10 Trigger group.

    FS: Beretta DT10 Sporting  trigger group.  Will fit a sporting gun with barrel selector. I don't think it will work in a trap gun without modification.  I believe they will also work in Beretta DT11 and ASE golds. Please check. Very good cond. Bought as a backup set.  £450.00  ovno. These...
  12. Paul120

    For Sale. Perazzi MX8 stock & forend set and Beretta DT10 Stock and forend set

    FS DT10 trap stock & forend. (Top set in picture) Good cond. No splits cracks etc. Small dinks but nothing major. Right hand cast. Original LOP.  Not too sure about drop as I no longer have a DT10 but think it is around 32 at comb to 44 at heel. £375.00 ovno. FS. Perazzi MX8 (drop out...
  13. Paul120

    Gun case refurb

    After 35 years the interior of my gun case has come away from the body of the (Plastic) case. It's lined with cloth backed with foam padding. The foam  appears to have crumbled away  To rescue it and to return it to it's original condition I intend to strip the cloth off the old crumbled foam...
  14. Paul120


    Aaron Heading finished 3rd in the OT Comp.  Scored the qualifying round. No idea how the new finals work but great result.  Well Done.
  15. Paul120

    Trigger pull weight adjustment

    Hi.  Looking for reccomendations for  a good gunsmith to adjust the weight of a detachable type Beretta trigger. North west area preferred. 
  16. Paul120

    OT selections

    Was looking forward to going to Nutty next wek but found out that the number of targets has mysteriously been cut from 200 to 125 over 2 days.  Not sure if I'll bother as it's going to be  expensive 2 days for essentially a one day shoot spread over 2 days.  Still makes me wonder if the powers...
  17. Paul120

    20G Vs 12G Choke pattern

    Anybody able to give a view on how a 20g choke compares to a 12g. I shot a round with a 20g with multichokes. Not knowing what to put in I picked the ususl 1/4 & 1/2.   What surprised me was how hard the long targets were hit.  The load was 28g of 7.5 plastic wads. So similar to the...
  18. Paul120

    Breda Quick Chokes and spares

    Does anybody know where I can buy/ obtain additionsl chokes /spares for a Breda long recoil semi suto.    The chokes have external threads on the barrel and are referred to as quick choke. The gun is ancient  (early 70's' )  looks rough but is built like a tank is Incredably reliable and hits...
  19. Paul120

    Zoli Kronos High Rib

    I've seen the pictures of one in an advert and the specs look similar to a Browning 725 pro trap high rib and a possible viable alternative. No local dealers have one in to look at and I can't find any ingo on how much they cost.  I guess there must be some out there. Anyhody got some...
  20. Paul120

    Beretta SO4 v SO5

    I've always fancied  owning a beretta SO  trap gun. More to just enjoy than anything as they are just about the best looking OU out there imo not as a full time comp gun. I have a Perazzi for that   The obvious choices are the guns as per the title.  Which is the best value to buy used. The...