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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. David Paul Gag


    Evening Guys Ive been suffering with a damaged retina problem flashing in my master eye. Ive been told its an age related problem .So am wondering what some of learned shooting Guys think. wIth thanks in advance Dave
  2. David Paul Gag

    For Sale Claycart for sale in LE79

    Original Claycart for sale in Leicestershire, very good condition, see picture, bought new for £250 will accept offers of around £200. buyer collect from LE79.
  3. David Paul Gag

    Wonted beretta Choke

    Wonted S/H or new  Beretta 12 g  3/8 Optima HP choke black  preferred to fit semi auto a400 xcel sporter  with thanks Dave
  4. David Paul Gag

    New Berretta a400 xcel sporter gray

    Hello Guys  I I already have a blue version of the above but fancied buying a Gray as new first gun . I tuck it out over the weekend (everything seamed very tight) only to find it refusing to recycle the second cartridge A Guy in our group suggested that after loading the second cartridge that...
  5. David Paul Gag

    David Paul Gag

    Re Orston  As anyone got the scores or leader board for Sport trap for this Sunday 10/8/17
  6. David Paul Gag

    Grange farm fitasc 5th and 6th August

    Any one know scores ??
  7. David Paul Gag

    David Paul Gag

    Any one have scores for Grange fitasc 5/6 August
  8. David Paul Gag

    Browning AI

    A question for the conersers ? Thinking of buying a 1969 Browning A1  the gun has had one owner from new looks superb  there's a box of spaires with it /fireingpins ejectors ect  Anyone have any views on how much would be a fair price for it ?Any other comments would be appreciated Not sure...
  9. David Paul Gag

    New Dt11 carbon fibre

    Hi guys  I need a lighter gun any one used one of these for sporting yet ? Dave
  10. David Paul Gag

    Eye site testing coloured Battues

    Guday Guys  What does the forum think? Should there not be some sort of colour codeing with regards to the presentation of Battues I was on a shoot this weekend  and was presented with a Pink battue aprox 40/50yds out situated at the side of a tree fired over the top of the tree looping out...
  11. David Paul Gag

    Hull Sporting 100

    Can any one tell me who stocks Hull spotters 100 in the east midlands I understand they are very soft on the shoulder yet hard hitting at distance ?☺
  12. David Paul Gag

    Question to the forum re Beretta a400 servicing

    Hi Guys So far with the my a400 I have discovered that the only servicing needed so far, is the  replacement of the elastic seal that fits over the piston. My question is : Assuming I will be doing a fair bit of shooting what else is likely to need replacing in time! Is there a service pack...