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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. El Spavo


    I know many of the hard hearted on here who genuinely don't give a toss about this sort of thing will close the page about now but, please, I ask you just to read on just a little bit, even if you have no intention of giving... Thanks to the half a dozen or so people on here who supported me on...
  2. El Spavo

    Sad news's only one more night until I turn my feet to mush walking 92 miles in 4 days for charity! C'mon, join the half dozen lovely guys and girls on here who have already made a very generous donation for a great pair of causes,... we all know there's pots of cash floating about on this website! 😄
  3. El Spavo

    Anyone got some spare fun tokens burning a hole in their pocket...??

  4. El Spavo

    Charity request from you lovely folk...

    Hi All, I wondered if I could possibly ask all and sundry on here to possibly please sponsor me and donate to worthy causes on a charity walk I am attempting in May jointly for The Samaritans and, moreso for the charity I'm personally supporting, Andy's Man Club? Between May 26th & 29th...
  5. El Spavo

    Choke key recommendations??

    Got the proper Browning choke key for a 525 sporter one, invector plus chokes (below), and unbelievably one of the 4 little METAL notches that slot straight into the chokes snapped off! Not loads of use, but expected the plastic on it to give waaaay before the cast metal bit?! Anyway, phoned...
  6. El Spavo

    Who the blinkin' flip distributes Browning / Miroku in the uk?!

    Sure someone on here mentioned it recently, but can't find it for love nor money. Isn't BWM Arms anymore I don't think, as their website appears defunct, but I just can't find anything online? Any ideas?
  7. El Spavo

    Laser projection simulator training aids

    Had a chat recently with a friend about why there weren't training sim programs out there which simulated clay shooting, as with current tech and the fact that clays must be fairly mathmatically straightforward to predict, to a degree, one would have thought you'd hear more. He mentioned one...
  8. El Spavo

    Choke cleaning... Meths or white spirit??

    So, leading on from the unfortunate barrel bulging that took place at the choke end today with antsesevenenenen, there was a link saying that one should clean chokes in meths to get all the crud...
  9. El Spavo

    Keeping one's licence when moving house??

    Apologies if this has been raised before, did a bit of searching on here but didn't find anything. House is on the market this week, just wondering what the lay of the land is with regards maintaining the FAO's happines with gun storage? Obviously, when I move into wherever it is, my cabinet...
  10. El Spavo

    Shooting on the Isle of Wight??

    Can anyone recommend any grounds there? Going on holiday on Wednesday and if the wife let's me play it might be fun. 😁
  11. El Spavo

    Bloody CPSA website!!

    What am I doing wrong?! When I look on the fixtures on the CPSA website to see what registered shoots are scheduled, selecting a specific discipline seems to make bugger all difference to the results and I still have to read through everything in every discipline, even when I've selected...
  12. El Spavo

    Gun up & down mounting/targetting

    Initially, I did the standard rookie thing by mounting up, ready for the clay to come into sight, but I progressed to dropping the stock away from my face which I steadily found quite comfortable (although taking the stock completely out the shoulder still seems light years away, but having said...
  13. El Spavo

    Scores before and after...

    WIth tales of woe creeping out, do people feel ballsy enough to put up on here their first scores back after the long sleep compared to what they'd expect usually?? :)
  14. El Spavo

    Are stocks interchangeable?

    As a rule, is this a thing or not? For example, if one had a 28" model of summat or other, Browning, Perazzi, whatever, with a very plain stock and saw a g5 stock on the same model but it happened to be a 30 or 32", could you just swap the barrels or stocks over to get the nice wood? Not sure...
  15. El Spavo

    Forend fingering & handling positions

    Just a curiousity this one, but how do people (you lot, not in general as a single answer :) ) mount their fingers around the forend and moreso has anyone had  greater success after changing the grip slightly? Asking cos I hold mine in a way I would consider an absolute beginner would, thumb on...
  16. El Spavo

    Recommended reading thoughts??

    Thought I'd post this in the technically correct so forum which hasn't had a post for 3 years and see what happens?! 😀 Having a large blip in my shooting that's frustrating me so my lovely wife gave me my Xmas present early, Breaking Clays by Chris Batha, and so far it's a very entertaining...
  17. El Spavo

    Pull away method advice & help?

    OKay, so in the time that I haven't been able to get out and shoot, I've been trying to gen up a lot of bits and pieces about the pull away method, mainly youtube seems to consist of Ben Hustwaite & GIl Ash videos, both of whom have given me things to think about, but does anyone have any...
  18. El Spavo

    Balancing & weight distribution

    Was playing the old 'balance the gun on one finger' the other day, my B525 was noticeably barrel heavy compared to various Berettas and whatnot of others. I've read that they can be, but is there much if any advantage to putting weights in the stock end to balance it out, what is it likely to...
  19. El Spavo

    What a waste! All being destroyed. 😕
  20. El Spavo

    Any grounds near Ormskirk??

    Visiting the wife's friends in a few months, thought I'd see if the fella wanted to have a go but there's nothing within 45 minutes drive! Any knowledge of the area? Seems like it's only Bolton or Preston even vaguely close.