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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. M

    694 users

    What chokes are people using in their 694s, I normally use 1/2/& 1/2 but am finding its too much choke on a lot of shoots I go to. Targets seem to be getting closer and closer. Im tempted to go 1/4 in both barrels, But I have a nagging thought in my head of edge on midi s going through the...
  2. M

    686 barrel weights

    Hi all  Does anybody know of any barrel weights that will fit a 686 sporter.  Cheers
  3. M

    Clear Glasses

    Hi all, Does anybody wear clear lenses for shooting, i usually wear vermillion / orange / yellow depending on light conditions. However yesterday i was watching some friends shoot a sporting layout, some under trees ,some against grass banking, and i had a pair of clear glasses on. I personally...
  4. M

    Left shoulder shooting

    Hi all , Need some advice, been shooting for 50+ years, started on clays a couple of years ago all going well, 6 weeks ago i had a clot in my right eye which has resulted in permanent loss of vision in said eye. Now being right handed and right eye dominant i am left with a dilemma,  Is it...
  5. M

    browning allen key

    Hi all, does anybody know the size of allen key for a browning 525 trigger, if indeed its an allen key or torx . Marcus
  6. M

    Practise rounds

    Hi all, Thinking about a 100 bird practise at a place that uses the pro-matic pay and shoot, My mate said you are charged on shots , not clays. Anybody use this system for practise, it appeals to me because i can go on my own if need be, tia
  7. M


    Hi all, just getting back into shooting after a 27 year lay off, based in w.sussex and enjoy breaking the odd clay, nothing to serious though. Cant believe how much its all changed.