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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Martinj

    Winchester 101XTR Ejector timing

    Hello All, I have a Winchester 101XTR that I bought new 37 years ago, I used it for years before semi retiring it but it still gets used from time to time as I occasionally let other people use it. The problem I have noticed is that it is becoming a struggle to eject the empty cartridges...
  2. Martinj

    Inaccurate score counts

    I was wondering if anyone notices inaccurate score counts i.e. the scores published on the CPSA site are different to those on on our score cards? I have noticed a number of errors (five or six) in the past couple of years, there may have been more but I have only been taking photos of my cards...
  3. Martinj

    One off event - Salisbury

    I was told that GREENFIELDS GRAND PRIX RETURNS FOR 2023 at Windwhistle Farm Salisbury on 27th and 28th May 2023 Greenfields Grand Prix 2022 Winners Table | Greenfields Guns ( I did this last year and it was worth the trip. As a one off event it's on a rolling open field site...
  4. Martinj

    What's on this weekend?

    What's on this Sunday, in the central south loosely. All I can find is a Practise shoot at Southdown
  5. Martinj

    Laser Sighter

    Has anyone tried a laser sighter, (or whatever it is called?) see below. I did and I wish I hadn't, it has a centred laser beam, you slip it into the chamber like a cartridge and aim at stuff around the house to see if you are aiming where the laser points. I tried it and the laser dot was low...
  6. Martinj

    True story

    A friend of mine, not known for his social graces, liked to brag about his (ahem!) size. I overheard him saying to a lady of a certain age "I'm so big that you and I could be doing it AND social distancing at the same time" 
  7. Martinj

    Grandpa should know better

  8. Martinj

    Bisley - Cottesloe Heath Police Shoot Cancelled

    Cottesloe Heath Police Shoot on 14th Aug has been cancelled, despite still being advertised on the Bisley Events website.
  9. Martinj

    Beretta Wood swelling problem

    Has anyone experienced this and what was your solution to the problem? I was pigeon shooting on Saturday afternoon in the rain, all well and good, I'd had a good afternoon but got a bit wet. I wiped the gun over and left it to dry out in a room at home, later in the evening I picked the gun up...
  10. Martinj

    BBC Quiz 20th Jan 2020
  11. Martinj

    What's On This Weekend?

    Things are looking a bit sparse, this weekend so I might have to travel a bit further than normal, any suggestions?
  12. Martinj

    Gatton Bottom Cancelled 16.06.19

  13. Martinj


    A friend who owns an old MIROKU MK38 has an on-going problem with the bottom ejector, he is using World Cup cartridges with long brass. 1. Sometimes the cartridge drops past the ejector, not too much of a problem as it is easily removed. 2. Occasionally the cartridge sticks in the chamber...
  14. Martinj


    Does anyone give any thought to breathing? Yes we all do it, but I mean in a shooting context. When I was rifle shooting you could have written a book on the subject because  it is so important to get it right but what do we clay shooters do, if anything, is it important? I have never thought...
  15. Martinj

    Owls Lodge Xmas shoot 27.12.2018

    This was the first time I have done a sporting shoot at Owls Lodge, I have only done Sportrap on this site before. Before I arrived I was wondering how they could make a sporting layout on the site because, to me, the site looked a bit "clinical," because of the skeet and sportrap...
  16. Martinj

    Hello from North East Hampshire

    Hi, I have been shooting (mostly Sporting) on and off for many years but only recently became a CPSA member I have enjoyed some of the local and not so local venues, 3 counties, 4 counties, Chalky hill, Southdown, Horne CPC to name a few and I'm still having fun.