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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Les53

    New old gun

    Well after seven years away from clay shooting i finally shot my new, 28 year old MK38 trap gun yesterday. I’ve had it since last year and spent time getting it into fairly decent shape, it was a little tatty when I got it. My nearest ground only shoots DTL, which I’ve not shot in maybe 12...
  2. Les53

    Mendip Shooting Ground

    Toying with the idea of taking a trip up to Mendip Shooting Ground. They seem to shoot a variety of disciplines incl ABT and are open more days than one of my old haunts, Brook Bank.  So, anyone shot at Mendip? Is it good, bad or what? 
  3. Les53

    Mendip Shooting Ground

    Toying with the idea of taking a trip up to Mendip Shooting Ground. They seem to shoot a variety of disciplines incl ABT and are open more days than one of my old haunts, Brook Bank.  So, anyone shot at Mendip? Is it good, bad or what? 
  4. Les53


    Sorry if this is has been posted under another post or section, but I’ve just been viewing some interviews on You Tube regarding gun seizures!  It appears that there is often no valid reason being given by police when guns are taken away and licenses revoked.  Most of the cases seem to be in...
  5. Les53


    Ok all you sporting guys, a question for you.  over the years I’ve noticed a lot of sporting shooting using trap guns of various makes. Some have been standard guns straight out of the box, others modified.  Some top sporting guys have used trap guns too, people such as Graham Stirzaker...
  6. Les53


    Anyone know why Kemen seem to have dropped off the radar?  I believe they are still being made, some used ones on gun trader. At one time it seemed as though they were really catching on, I seem to remember a few well known names used them at one time.  If I remember correctly, they were...
  7. Les53

    Trap guns

    Ok this has all been done before, I do realise that!  So let’s do it again.  I would guess that we all have our favourite make of trap gun, I certainly do.  I’ve had some that cost a small fortune, I had one made for me. As lovely as it was, I’m back shooting a very ordinary gun, because I...
  8. Les53

    The steel thing

    Has anyone here shot Steel shot at clays  in Europe or Scandinavia, in places where lead is already banned?  If so what is your impression of the steel loads? Were they high performance or standard steel?  What happened to all the guns in those countries that were only nitro proof? Were they...
  9. Les53

    Not shooting

    Please can someone enlighten me?  WTF is misogyny? Yeah I know the dictionary variant, it’s yet another label.  It does seem like almost everyone gets labelled in some way or another. As an oldie, I’m kinda pissed off with labels now.  I’ve no idea where to post this, so I’m sorry if it ends...
  10. Les53

    Not shooting

    Please can someone enlighten me?  WTF is misogyny? Yeah I know the dictionary variant, but does this mean what? We can’t express our personal views?  As an oldie, I’m kinda pissed off with labels now.  I’ve no idea where to post this, so I’m sorry if it ends up in the wrong place. Am I the...
  11. Les53

    Patrick Croft Gunsmith

    I decided to have my tired Miroku barrels re blacked. Took them to a local gunsmith who sent them to be blacked. He ended up sending them away twice as the finish was awful. I was told that due to some issue with the barrels, a good finish was impossible.  Well I simply didn’t believe it so I...
  12. Les53

    Trap Shooters

    Had a look at the trap section on here, seems to be very little activity. So where have all the trap shooters gone? 
  13. Les53

    Back to my roots

    Well I’ve gone back to my roots, well almost! Today I got a 1995 MK38 grd3 30 inch trap gun. I’ve done most of the fancy guns, so now I’m back to low tech, old tech. 😂 Showing its age a bit, but I’m sure most issues can be rectified by a good gunsmith, mainly cosmetic stuff, the woodwork I can...
  14. Les53

    Is it true?

    I heard this evening that Dennis Stepney, gunsmith (U.K. Gun Repairs) and a good trap shooter has died.  Anyone know if this is true?  Very sad if it is true. 😢
  15. Les53

    One for the oldies!

    Ok guys, one for the oldies left on here! Does anyone still remember the Ganton vests that many of us wore in the 80’s -90’s ? Anyone still wearing one? This was before the likes of Castellani hit our shores.  I think Barbour bought them out and then they vanished.  For me they were the only...
  16. Les53

    I had to laugh 😂

  17. Les53

    Anti auto?

    Ok many moons ago we used to have quite a few topics, aka arguments. Often concerning the merits or otherwise of auto shotguns versus the more conventional types of guns.  Have all the auto enthusiasts now vacated the forum?  Apart from a few lines in the trap section I cannot find any...
  18. Les53

    A can of worms?

    Having spent the past four or five years shooting AR15 type rifles, it occurred to me that as far as I know, nobody has ever made what could be called a modular shotgun. Well not for civilian use as far as I know?  Yes we have aftermarket adjustable stocks and various other things like chokes...
  19. Les53

    I’m back!

    Some of you may know me, some  of you won’t and many probably wish they didn’t! 😂  So after many years away from clay shooting I’ve decided to have another bash.    Speak soon.  Les
  20. Les53

    Another new toy

    Well this is it! The Perazzi of AR15's.....the JP15. Precision supermatch compensated stainless barrel, match trigger, Vortex crossfire scope with red dot. I'm in love again! ?