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  1. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    Thanks very much for your support gents (and ladies)!  I appreciate it. Also, I'm quite pleased with the stats regarding how many women have responded.  12% so far, which although isn't a massive amount, it is a good sign for the sport!
  2. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    If something comes of this, I'll be sure to dig this thread back up and reward you all! :)
  3. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    iPhone has just taken the lead, but looks like I have at least one person who'd like the Windows Phone version :)
  4. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    . Fuzrat, I'm a Windows Phone guy too (just ordered the new Nokia Lumia 920)! Looking forward to getting it. Much as I dislike the sheepness, looks like Android is most popular at the moment, followed by iPhone :) But Windows Phone is the easiest to develop for!
  5. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    No personal information is mandatory (email, name). My bad, here's the proper link I've updated the original post too!
  6. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    Hi ips. Yeah I'm looking at the possibility of making something for fellow shooters to use.  Not sure exactly what it will be yet as I need to understand what people want first..
  7. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    Thanks CleverSC3.  I don't know how forthcoming they are with their data, but I can try find out.   The other aspect that I'm interested in is whether clay shooters are more involved with technology nowadays.
  8. Steven Withey

    What kind of shooting do you do?

    Hello all! I've been trying to do a bit of research about what kind of clay shooting is most popular and also find out a bit about how technically 'switched-on' other shooters are. I've put together a very short survey, which I'd appreciate you taking a minute or two to complete. The link to...
  9. Steven Withey

    New member!

    Hey all. My name is Steve and I am a fellow clay shooter!  Having said that, I've not picked up a gun for quite a while now and am pretty rusty!  I have joined the forum as I'd like to speak to the community and rekindle my interest in the sport.