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  1. Dishforth Shooting Club

    Men Vs Women for Valentines @ Dishforth

    Saturday 15th February 12:30-16:30 @ Dishforth Shooting Club All in the name of fun and good times! Get your friends together for men Vs women. New shooters welcome. Everyone welcome ! All men and women will be scored on their hits for the afternoon with their score going onto the men’s or...
  2. Dishforth Shooting Club

    Summer Special Shot

    Hi Guys and Gals  :hunter:    Just wanted to let you know about our new club and invite you along to our 50 bird game. Just ordered the trophy and medals. We're a military range which opened its doors to civilians a few weeks back, All is going well and we've been overwhelmend by the support...
  3. Dishforth Shooting Club


    Just a quick hello from me. Looking forward to getting more involved in this community !! Looks like a fab forum.