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  1. B

    highwayman's bank holiday monday

    Your obviously a shrink as you seem confident you know what Im thinking and experiencing better than I do. Amazing.
  2. B

    highwayman's bank holiday monday

    James I can handle a difficult shoot no problem, shoots are set to a certain standard as you should be aware so as not to make a mockery of the classification system, your comments aimed at me will simply roll off my broad shoulders, as you weren't actually there I see little point in you...
  3. B

    highwayman's bank holiday monday

    I knew I would ruffle feathers with my comments but I only spoke from my experiences, I hope they do get sorted for the future and I hope they learn from the short falls, no one gets anything right first time. This is a forum to discuss all things clay like and not a place to poke fun, my...
  4. B

    highwayman's bank holiday monday

    Hi all, I feel compelled to put my comments to the world, I shot the highwayman's on bank holiday monday and didn't have the best time! I understand it was a busy day as the weather was great but to be waiting 45 +minutes at 4 stands was painful to say the least, I personally topped up 5 empty...
  5. B

    Barrow Heath

    Hi all, I'm new to the site and would like to say hi to all, Ive only been shooting for just under 2 years and love every minute of it! Well other than the nerves!! I would like to take the opportunity to tell all that are interested how good my favourite shooting ground is, Barrow heath is an...