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  1. Trippyhippy

    Newbie Gun care questions

    Isn't it if you can't fix it with a Hammer it's an Electrical problem.
  2. Trippyhippy

    Medical distinction

    Medical distinction between Guts and Balls There is a medical distinction between Guts and Balls. We've all heard about people having Guts or Balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, here are the definitions:- GUTS - Is arriving home late...
  3. Trippyhippy

    Newbie Gun care questions

    I have recently got my first gun and have worked out the cleaning of the metal bits but am a bit unsure on the wood bits is it just a can of polish or do I need to invest in some special oil?? Also when I purchased the gun I get the first service free but forgot to ask when this gets done is it...
  4. Trippyhippy

    Newbie from the north west

    Suppose that depends on where you start I guess be south and west from you :P
  5. Trippyhippy

    Newbie from the north west

    Hi all just started on the clays and am hooked